Friday, September 12, 2014

The Power And Control Wheel - Practical Ways To Recognize Domestic Violence

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After reading the posts about the domestic violence incident involving Janay and Ray Rice, and while going through the #WhyIStayed hashtag that shared the stories of other abused women, I came across this image.

The Power and Control Wheel above shows how domestic violence is not only about physical and/or sexual abuse, but also involves a range of tactics of psychological, emotional and economic abuse.

Domestic violence is usually characterised by power and control, with an abuser controlling their victims through coercion and fear in order to get their own way. One of the main ways abusers control and intimidate their partners and family members is through psychological/emotional abuse.

On How To Spot A Stingy Guy - Must A Guy Spend On His Girlfriend?

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Toke Makinwa spoke on the issue of stingy men in her weekly Vlog where she gave women pointers for identifying a stingy guy. I agree that being stingy is not a desirable trait in both men and women, and a giving spirit encourages one to reciprocate, but when Toke repeats several times, "a stingy man is bad for business", I wonder, what business are we talking about, are you a prostitute?

Toke goes on  to say;

He might be rich but “Is that money in circulation?... A stingy man is not the way forward, a stingy man is bad for business....some guys are so stingy that if you want to collect money from them, it's like squeezing a rock to bring out water..... a proper gentleman doesn't let a lady ask him for stuffs cos he knows she needs 'em...when a lady is scratching her hair, it's a sign for him to know that she needs to change her hair...Ladies if a man is not giving you money, close your LEGS!"

Again, I'm baffled. Close your legs? Must money from your romantic partner equate to sex? Are stuffs like fake hair, cars, bling, or restaurant outings, the only things women want from men? Should a guy even give his working girlfriend raw cash or gifts? Makes it look like an aristo arrangement.

For me, some things are more important than money in terms of being in a genuine relationship. These are support and understanding, respect and tolerance, and the spirit of compromise. Anyways, watch Toke's video below....

Oscar Pistorius Found Guilty Of Culpable Homicide, To Be Sentenced October 13

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Oscar Pistorius has been found guilty of culpable homicide for the fatal shooting of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine's Day last year.

The guilty verdict on the manslaughter charge, a day after the judge Thokozile Masipa cleared him of murder, means Pistorius could receive anything from 15 years in prison to a suspended sentence, which would potentially allow the double amputee a chance to resurrect his sporting career.

The charge of culpable homicide carries a minimum sentence of a fine, or up to 10 years in prison, according to the discretion of the judge.

He has been granted extended bail, and will be sentenced October 13.

Atheist US Airman To Sue Military Following Sack Threat Unless He Swears By God

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In the latest religious controversy to roil the air force, the atheist airman last month was denied his request to re-enlist because of his refusal to swear to God -- and he is now poised to take the military to court, his lawyer said.

'We have not received word from the Air Force regarding our letter. It has not indicated a willingness to settle out of court,' said Monica Miller, an attorney for the American Humanist Association, which has taken up the service member's case.

The US Air Force has told a sergeant he will have to leave the military unless he agrees to take an oath with the phrase 'so help me God,' officials said Tuesday. The airman is based at Creech Air Force base in Nevada. In the past, an airman could opt for an alternative phrase and omit the words 'so help me God,' but the US Air Force changed its policy in October 2013.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Covers - Nicki Minaj For Dazed & Confused Magazine

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Nicki Minaj finds a middle ground between her colorful signature look of the past and her more recent natural look for the two covers of the the autumn issue of Dazed & Confused magazine. The magazine says;

Take a journey into the fantastical world of rap goddess Nicki Minaj in the autumn/winter issue of Dazed. To celebrate our biggest edition of the year, photographer Jeff Bark and Dazed Fashion Director Robbie Spencer have created a pair of covers that explore two very different sides of Her Minajesty – the demure fashion obsessive and the provocative pop culture bombshell. Alongside an 18-page shoot, Ms Minaj lets loose on everything from fame to feminism.

See the second cover and more pictures below...

Joan Rivers Remembered As A Difficult Tenant in Funny Yet Sad Eulogy By Her Daughter

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Joan Rivers had joked in her memoir about the kind of funeral she wanted [here] and her real funeral service held last week, tried to give her that. Several celebrities attended the red carpet event, and sang or gave eulogies.

A bittersweet part of the funeral, was the eulogy delivered by daughter, Melissa, 46, who read from a letter to her mom, sent before Joan Rivers died. The letter talked about the comedian as a tenant.

In the last few years, Joan had stayed with Melissa and her son in L.A. once a week, when she flew in from New York to tape E!'s Fashion Police. Apparently, Joan Rivers had some issues with her part-time landlord and accommodations.

Check out the tear-jerking letter below...

Beyonce Sparks Pregnancy Rumours By Hiding And Constantly Touching Her Stomach

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Beyonce and Jay Z are still enjoying their well deserved break in the French town of Antibes in the Côte d'Azur, and they are joined by their daughter, respective mothers, and a few family and friends with kids.

While there is nothing too out of the ordinary about their trip, Beyonce has been sparking pregnancy rumours is constantly touching her stomach. Most of her outfits have been loose too, and always seem to cover her lower tummy. Time will tell.

And of course, Beyonce is also sporting several new temporary tattoos, with circular geometric designs on her forearm and leg. A new trend?

Photos - Gabrielle Union & Dwyane Wade's 2-Part Honeymoon

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Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade are back from their week-long honeymoon in the Maldives and then Tanzania.

The couple got married in Miami on Aug. 30, and jetted away the next day. They kicked off their trip in the ocean island where Gabrielle Union said she, "refusedtowearclothes," wearing only a white hot bikini in pictures she shared on Instagram.

The second leg of the honeymoon was a safari in Africa's Serengeti.

Check out more photos, where the couple show they can be silly with each other, below.

42-Year-Old Mother Speaks Out After Being Deliberately Infected With HIV By Sick Lover

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Kara Wilkinson, 42, a mother from Cumbria (pictured left in 2009 and right today), says she has suffered four heart attacks, pneumonia, osteoporosis and severe hair loss since she was infected with HIV by boyfriend Alan Mason, 45 (inset), in 2011.

According to Wilkinson, Mason knew he had the virus before asking her for unprotected s*x.

Mason yesterday started serving two years and eight months behind bars for grievous bodily harm, but Miss Wilkinson is still pained saying she has been condemned to 'a life sentence of misery'.

'Before I had HIV, I was never ill and had loads of energy. Now I seem to be permanently ill. My long blonde hair has started to fall out and I look much older than I am.

Covers - Oprah Brings Lots of Sparkle And Bold Colors To O Magazine

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Oprah Winfrey covers all the editions of her self-named magazine and for the October 2014 issue, the 60-year-old billionaire dials the bold and glam button all the way to the top.

Across 4 dazzling covers, Oprah comes “up close and very glam” with close up shots that showcase the different ways colorful makeup can be used to bring out the best of one's features.

The edition is about seeing life through new colorful, bold and sparkly lens.