Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Debut Author Giveaway Hop - International

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Maybe because it hasn't been too long since my first book, I love trying out debut authors especially if they're writers I know, like the author I will be featuring today. Rita Okoroafor is a fellow blogger and her first novel, Against the Perfect Will was published in April 2012. At the end of this post, we'll be giving away an e-copy of her book .

Against the Perfect Will - My Review

This book tells the story of Omolola, a young girl growing up in a middle-class Nigerian home. Quite intelligent and with most of her future mapped out, tragedy strikes and she loses her father. In a very direct and touching manner, Rita Okoroafor describes Lola's life after this tragedy and how she is able to cope. Life is not rosy for Lola and though she gets to go on to university, it is to a course different from one she had earlier intended.

In addition, she faces other pressures and has to find her own place amidst the confusion and freedom of life away from her home and family. This is a coming-of-age story with strong a moral and Christian foundation and the author uses very genuine scenarios of life in a Nigerian university to showcase the benefits of leaning unto God in all things.

Pride and Persistence - How Long Should He Wait?

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Yesterday, someone sent me a link to a story on another blog and wanted me to weigh in. The conversation was essentially in two parts and I'll be discussing them as such. In this post is the angle about women who keep men who are interested in them waiting for long periods of time and then get annoyed when the men move on to someone else. Which brings me to the title of this post. Pride and Persistence.

A lot of us women have an innate pride and we exhibit this by wanting to make the men who show romantic interest in us prove that they really care in various ways. One way they can prove this is to hang around even when we push them away. We want them to be persistent.

I have nothing against self esteem and knowing your worth, but the problem in a relationship comes when one person uses it as an opportunity to play games and manipulate the other person. I believe in being honest and open, especially when there might be the chance of a romantic relationship. It is important in such situations to start building the blocks of communication from day one.

Most people usually know within three to four episodes of spending time with somebody whether they can see themselves in a romantic relationship with them. I'm not talking marriage yet. Just, can you see this yourself alone in a room with this guy? Can you imagine kissing him, having deep heartfelt conversations? If your answer is yes, then let that be on the table.

Don't let your pride get in the way of enjoying a genuine relationship. If you like a guy say so, and if you don't, let them know too, and let them go. If you choose to keep a man who has declared his feelings dangling for years, and he sticks around, there are several things that might happen;