Monday, October 1, 2012

Coming out of the Closet of Infertility

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" in four ever-married women of reproductive age in most developing countries are infertile because of primary or secondary infertility." WHO estimate
I know some of you will be shocked or surprised. Some may have guessed or were wondering. Well, wonder no more. I am coming out. I have medical problems getting pregnant, and I need assisted reproductive therapy to conceive. In fact, I may never get pregnant and may never bear biological children. In one way or the other, infertility has been part of who I am for the past two years and may always be. I own it. I am an infertile.

I decided to come out and also blog about my infertility experience because of the following;

Why Are Some Nigerian Marriages Such a Farce?

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We were watching Arnold Schwarznegger on 60minutes and he was talking about the breakup of his marriage and how he regretted his actions. One of us, an older Nigerian woman, was not aware of the story so I brought her up to date. She was surprised that Arnold's wife had asked for a divorce, and felt she shouldn't have. For her, a child outside the marriage was not reason enough for divorce. In the discussion, I came away with the following insight about Nigerian marriages.