Friday, September 21, 2012

Does Size Really Matter?

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When size is mentioned in romance and relationship issues, it is usually about the man's penis, this time we're talking boobs. Tiwa Savage said in the video, "I don't really think it is the size, it's how you work it". That made me laugh cos that's what we say too concerning men and size. I am a B-cup and I confess that as a young tween, it was a source of envy for me as my peers' grew bigger and rounder with each passing year. Of course, there was also talk of what men wanted. I was dying inside.

Dear Diary, Sometimes it gets too Hard - Febby

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Anita's Diary

Sunday, the 1st of July. 9pm
Dear Diary,

Faking it is getting really tiring!!! You’d think I’d have perfected the act by now, right? Well I haven’t. Instead of getting easier it’s getting more difficult to do. Lifting my hands in church, simple right? Not for me it isn’t, not when I know that my life has not pleased God in a long while. I look around me while I’m in church; everyone seems to be lost in the Spirit (not that you can tell who is faking it, I hope it isn’t easy to tell because mine is so not genuine).