Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Difficulty With Long Distance Relationships

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Online dating can be a terrific way of drawing people together. As you flick through profiles it’s natural to be attracted to potential partners you already have a lot in common with. An important box that gets ticked is down to simple geography. Ideally, you’ll want to hook up with your virtual lover at some point. So individuals living closer will get your preference. On the other hand, many get into online dating for the opposite reasons. They want to tap into the internet’s ability to introduce them to the exotic. They want to meet amorous Austrians or lovely Lebanese. Not someone they might bump into in their local supermarket.

The Importance Of Work-Life Balance And How Women Can Achieve It

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If you’re one of the millions of women who bring their work home with them day after day, spend long hours at the office, and forget to practice self-care because you’re so busy, you’ve probably got a tension headache as you’re reading this. Add children and household chores to the mix, and it might seem like the work never stops. Sit back from the computer for a minute, take a deep breath, rub your temples, close your eyes, and ignore the ginormous pile of laundry in the background. Imagine a world where stress is only an occasional thing.