Sunday, January 13, 2013

Can the Domestic Nigerian Men Please Stand up?

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Soon after A Heart to Mend came out, I blogged about a reader who felt Edward was too emotional, and how that made the book seen western, or Edward not Nigerian enough. In his opinion, real Nigerian men are not romantic nor do they show their emotions. I know this is a mindset many other people share, and I have heard it from both male and female readers of my novels.

Another generalization that is often made about the real or 'typical Nigerian man' is that he is not domestic. It is consistently shown and believed to be true beyond questioning that our country men do not, can not, and will not, help around the house. You see it in movies, read about it in books, and probably hear it in songs.

I cannot say I do not know where this is coming from, in my home growing up, the chores were shared by gender. Boys did the men-chores like washing the car and carrying heavy stuff, while girls did the cooking, cleaning and taking care of the babies.

Lekki Wives - TV Show or the Moral Police

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Lekki Wives is a new series produced and directed by Blessing Effiom Egbe, the producer of “Two Brides and a Baby” which I haven't seen, but whose other romantic comedies I have liked in the past. When I first heard the title, I thought it was going to be a reality TV series, in the mold of the "Wives" of USA - Basketball Wives, Hollywood Ex-Wives, Real Housewives of wherever, etc. but that is not the case. It is a scripted drama comedy series, more like Desperate Housewives.

Lekki wives is touted to "highlight the lives and antics of five women who live in the highbrow, posh Lekki area of Lagos and is a true reflection of the modus operandi of many wealthy, fashionable and “happening’ women who call it home." Lekki wives stars Kiki Omeili, Adaora Ukoh, Katherine Edoho, Keira Hewatch, and Chinomnso Young as the main characters.

The series producers say they aim to teach, inform and at the same time, entertain viewers with the show. I have seen the preview and the first thing I notice is the clean camera work, the interior settings are also very well designed and colored. However, I'm not too sure about some of the storylines in there, they seem to want to shock and push the envelope. At the same time, it could work if done well.