Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday talk - How do you know you're in love?

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Happy new month everybody.

To our talk today, this is a very deep question, and one I have to consider for my characters in each romance novel I write. For Nanowrimo, I am starting a new story with two fiery, hard-headed characters and my imagination is already wandering far into their future and I'm thinking, are they really right for each other? How can they convince themselves, me the writer and in time, you the reader? As I thought on this, I realized that I had asked myself the same question several times in the past after meeting one or two people.

There are some people you meet and you just know they're a fantasy or fancy which will fade even the next day. And there are those that tug at your heart and you begin to wonder, could they be THE ONE? The truth is that if we do not answer this question correctly and honestly to ourselves, we could be making the mistake of a lifetime. Whether it is in deciding whether to allow a friendship develop into somethng else or in taking the decision to get married, it is imperative to get the answer right.

These are some of the pointers I came up with - this is just a brain dump mind...I will probably do a full article later. What do you guys think?

- They’re in your future
- They become number one in your priorities
- You welcome compromise
- You want to spent time together
- Others fade into the background
- The pain of the past is healed
- Always in your thoughts
- You worry about their wellbeing, you care
- There is chemistry
- You're not bothered by their minuses
- You’re happy and feel high
- Songs and books begin to make sense, the world is more beautiful
- You want to know all about them
- They can affect you deeply in their actions
- You can be yourself with no pretense
- Other things matter less like physical, material stuff
- You don't mind their worse
- They make you feel good
- Trust trumps jealousy
- You enjoy times quietly together
- You make up easily
- Sex is by mutual agreement
- You don’t change your values
- You change for the better to please them


image from collegefashion.net via Google..