Friday, October 12, 2012

Flavour - Baby Oku : Music Video Romance

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This video is in two parts - the first is slow and romantic and the other is dancehall. While I prefer the song in the first part, the chemistry between Flavour and his leading lady is as flat as mud water and so the dancing before the end looks even more interesting. Enjoy!

Should couples use the same Bedroom or Separate?

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Atala and I share the same bedroom and bathroom and I can't even imagine having to use separate ones in the near future. But I know that lack of privacy has been identified as one of the reasons strain develop in some marriages, and if an individual had their own space to get a good sleep, or just do them in peace, they may be more amenable when working on other issues. And some people can be so messy, it gets on their partner's last nerves.