Monday, September 24, 2012

Mrs Somebody - Claiming Prince Charming by Faith

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In this movie I watched over the weekend, a woman is desperate to get married and after a motivational talk from her pastor, she proceeds to buy her wedding gown, in anticipation that her boyfriend, or any prince charming for that matter, will propose to her. This got me wondering if this woman, or real women like her, are being deceived by their pastors or if is this real faith? Do you believe buying a wedding gown will bring your wedding day closer, when there's no fiance in the picture?

On Marriage - Loving Your Man Anyway

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 [You may want to skip this post if you are finicky, some grossity (new word) ahead]

Now, I'm not one for dwelling on the differences between genders in terms of behavior, personality, or expected roles, but there are some ways I agree that men in general differ from women. There was this book I read in university, my then roommate was in the must-to-marry before I graduate mode, and I was in the read-everything-I-find mode. One point stuck with me, it was a chapter under the heading - You Marry A Man.