Sunday, March 25, 2012

Can we please accept that Divorce is an Option?

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Yes, I am saying it again. Divorce is an option, is an option, is an option. Why do we women do this to ourselves? Some stories you read just break your heart. Marriage is good but only if you are happy and fulfilled with your partner. When the relationship is unhealthy, and your physical and emotional well-being is threatened, PLEASE GET OUT.

Seek help, accept support, do whatever you have to, but please LEAVE that toxic environment. If you're dating unhappily and waiting for a wedding to console you, marriage is more than a ring. If you're married and miserable, waiting for children to wipe your tears, there are no guarantees. If you live in a fractured home waiting for your children to grow and take you away, you may never make it.

Wicked Evolution: BURN - Romance Meets Music

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When I first heard about Jada Pinkett's song, my initial thoughts were, is she a musician too? I decided to watch the video to it this weekend, and I think she acquitted herself quite well. Her vocals, the emotion, and most of all, the lyrics, I loved it.

It is a steamy (read, baby-making) song and she dedicates it in Spanish to Will Smith as follows;
This song that I’m about to sing is very important to me because it’s the beginning of a new love for my husband. After 17 years, I never thought I could love him even more. This is for him.
Cute, eh? Check out the lyrics after the break, and hope you had a great weekend. See you soon.