Monday, February 7, 2011

The kind of person I’d like to marry - Real Love Story

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By JustJoxy

hello dear people, and happy Monday! Like I said, I'll be giving out a chapter of A Love Rekindled to the first person to comment. Go ahead and enjoy the real love story for today.

T came up to me as I was sorting mail in my job as a casual post office sorter. It was my last week of employment after having worked there on and off over the past five years. He was a permanent member of staff and I didn’t even notice he was standing beside me till he said hello. I looked up and up and said hello in return. He asked how I was doing, and we exchanged names and chatted for a short while before he had to go on his break. I can’t remember what we both said, but I do know we discovered we both went to the same church, even though I’d never seen him there before.

After he left, I turned to my friends and said something like ‘I’ve met the kind of person I’d like to marry’ or words to that effect. They asked me if he’d worn a wedding band, but I’d not thought to check. It turned out that even though he wasn’t married, he was dating a girl in church. I didn’t mind, it was nice to be friends with a guy who was being genuinely friendly without any strings attached, and I enjoyed the few more conversations we had before I left Royal Mail later that week.

My prayer life changed. My prayer was ‘Dear God, after so long, I have finally met the kind of person I’d like to marry. Lord, please make it happen according to your will.’

This was in December 1994, a few weeks before Christmas. I was travelling to America for the first time early in the New Year too, and was looking forward to my trip. I had a lovely time while I was away, and when I got back, he told me his girlfriend had broken up with him. I commiserated with him, but I was turning cartwheels on the inside!

First Lines

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Thanks to Brenda Drake, I'll be sharing the first line of A Love rekindled with you today. The book is mainstream contemporary romance and starts with a nightmare....

The air was smoky from the kerosene lamps and candles whose flames flickered into the darkness.

SO what do you think?