Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Debate Tuesday - Bloody or Fcuk?

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Which is worse?

Yes it is still Tuesday here, I know it's Wednesday in some other places. If it is, bear with me.

So to the topic. I'm referring to the curse words used very frequently by a few people to express displeasure. And I've decided to break it down to sex and violence. Sex = Fuck and Violence = Bloody.

Now my grouse isn't why why people use these curse words in the first place -  personally I try not curse, though I don't mind terribly if those around me do - but why the violent curse is more acceptable than the sexy one.

I mean come on. During the Oscars on Sunday night, one of the winners used the F-word in her thank you speech and that was quickly blanked out. However, one other guy, I can't remember the specific person, used the B-word, and that got a pass.

As Atala said in agreeing with my peeve, there's another way to look at it. One of the curse words gives rise to life (and pleasure if I might add), while the other one takes away life (or causes pain and distress). So why is it the latter that is allowed on family TV and on prime time?

In my opinion, either you ban all the words considered bad (by everybody including me - and I really hate bloody), or you let them all through.

What say ye?

ps, you may be interested in this bloggers argument in terms of how sex and violence are portrayed in shows. One show that I cannot bear for combining the two is True Blood. Why did they have to spoil sex with all that blood? It's even in their title, urghhh...