Thursday, July 5, 2018

Unique Groomsmen Gift Ideas

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Groomsmen are crucial to the success of a wedding. They help prepare things for the special day and make sure the day goes smoothly from start to finish. Preparing some gifts for your groomsmen is a fun thing to do. Choosing unique gifts for groomsmen may seem like a challenge at first, but there are actually more options than ever.

The Three (Aggravating) Guys In Romantic Comedies

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By Alex Wise

When I'm not dispensing relationship advice, I'm also studying film. And there's no place those two intersect more closely than the "romantic" "comedy". It's a great cultural stereotype that guys hate "chick flicks", because it's largely true. But the stereotype is predicated on the idea that guys hate icky "feelings" and "romance", when instead there are many perfectly valid reasons to hate romantic comedies. Usually the male characters. Just like women don't enjoy seeing a dumb blonde who exists solely to take her shirt off on screen (well, as a rule), men don't like to see...

How to Meet the Right Person For You

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The world of dating can often be confusing and one of the most frustrating things is when you feel like you're doing absolutely everything you can to find someone, but not feeling the connection that you should feel when you're talking to 'the one'. There are lots of different ways to improve your chances and to help invite someone into your life who is going to improve it, and hopefully will be a person you can grow with in the future.