Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Nigerian Woman Dead in Oikos University Shooting

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A lot of us Nigerian immigrants to the United States came seeking the American Dream. Some find it, others don't, most settle for a manageable medium. The chances of us dying in road accidents or childbirth reduce drastically, but other dangers lurk around the corner. One of them has to do with the gun ownership and safety issue in America. I confess, these random shootings freak me out sometimes. This particular death hits quite close. RIP Doris Chibuko and may your family be consoled.

Doris Chibuko, 40, was born in the state of Enugu, in eastern Nigeria. She went to law school and worked as a lawyer in Nigeria. She met Efanye in college, and in 2002 they were married in a big traditional Nigerian wedding. That same year, the couple immigrated to the United States, where they had three children who are now ages 3, 5 and 8.