Friday, June 1, 2012

The Bet by Rita Okoroafor

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With judging assistance from the Romance Writers of West Africa, has shortlisted 15 stories in the writing contest to acquire steamy love stories for the Worldreader book app. The Bet got one of the highest scores and you can also check out the other 14 shortlisted stories. Click on the image to find out more about the Worldreader app.

The Bet by Rita Okoroafor  Rating 18+

My holidays after SSCE seemed boring. Mother had sent me to Port Harcourt after my final papers, and I was stuck with Ranti, my cousin. For the three months we had spent so far, our daily routine was television in the mornings, window shopping in the afternoons and evening strolls in the estate where she lived. She strolled on the pretext of seeing her boyfriend Daniel. To me, they were the most boring couple ever. All they did was hold hands, talk and laugh at things that did not make sense. Ranti said she had kissed Daniel a few times. She said they had slept together only once and after that incident they decided not to go that far again as not to ruin their relationship. Stories that touch the heart.

As for me, Port Harcourt was too boring for me. If not for how close Ranti and I were, I may have run away. If I was in Lagos, in that my estate where boys were not scarce, I would have made out with one or two of my neighbors. 3 months of being celibate was my record since I lost my virginity, and I was almost losing my mind.