In his
WebReads for 11th February, Dhjax linked to a site that could offer personality tests based on one's blog.

At first I thought, what a hoax, but I'm somehow addicted to personality tests, IQ tests and all that, so off I went. The site is, and all you need is enter your blog URL and viola! It tells you who you are.
I tried my two websites, this blog, and my author page, It was interesting indeed to find that I showed different parts of my personality on both sites.
For the author page, I am The Mechanic, and on the blog, I am The Socializer

I actually think some of these personality tests try to hard to box people into narrow definitions. I have come to realize as a few others have too, that most of us fall into the middle cracks of these tests and have a combination of different personalities. For me, mine can change on an hourly basis even. In the long run though, and more generally, I think I'm closer to the ISTP of my author page, and I've heard that it shows up in my books. But I can be social when I want to be, and that is why I think I've managed this blog and my branding of my books quite well.
What do you think of personality tests? Which of my two do YOU think suits me better? Which are you? Go do the test
HERE, and then comeback to share. I promise it will take only a minute.