Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Linking Up Posts on the Dana Plane Crash

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What is that they say about the stages of grief and loss? Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. I think I am getting to acceptance now. I realise that in the end, we do have to move on. While I do not know any one who died personally, it was quite emotional for me knowing that some relatives had just flown from the US to Nigeria the day before the crash. Also, my sister was involved in a nasty road accident last year and we almost lost her. I guess I was carrying over some of that pain. But I've calmed down now.

May the souls of the dead rest and peace, and the living be consoled.

Also, the news show that the response this time was not as bad as usual lackadaisical attitude. The government and the press are doing their own parts diligently. Some of the following have been done, and continue to be reported on.