Friday, May 17, 2019

Author Rita Akoto Coker Shares Romantic Escapades of Her Great Grandmother in Fiction

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My guest author, Rita Akoto Coker started writing in 1980 in Toledo, Ohio where her husband was pursuing his Masters degree in Engineering. She had not started work after graduation from college was bored sitting at home and watching soap operas.

Since then, Rita Coker has written three romance books with a fourth, which is the last part of a trilogy still being reviewed by the publishers. She ascribes her inspiration to her great grandmother who was the Queen in their home town who regaled her family with romantic escapades of the royal court when they were growing up. It still brings back memories. Rita also desires to educate readers about African history and the way our ancestors used to live before European colonization.

4 Nose Ring Types and What Will Suit You Best

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Finding a nose ornament that suits you is often a tough nut to crack. The main reason behind the same being that fact that people make rash decisions with these. It is always best suggested to ensure that you do take your time out to take a look into some of the types of stylish nose pin and see the one that suits your face and personality the best. It is completely futile to ask and realize that you opt for a random option when you could have easily waited for the next best option in the lot.