Monday, November 20, 2017

In Defence Of Cohabitation: Why Traditional Attitudes Don't Work For Modern Couples

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Not so long ago, cohabitation was a cause for much argument. Some mothers would even disown their daughters because of it. Heck, the Bible itself branded cohabitation as immoral sin. But, times have changed. Now, it isn’t unusual for couples to live together before even talking about marriage. While just over 50% of cohabiting couples do marry, some don’t even consider it. Cohabitation is enough for many, especially given the high rates of divorce in the modern age.

Adult Hookups and the Modern Woman

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In the past, society carved expected paths that single women were expected to follow. Inevitably, all of these paths led to marriage. While it was true that a majority of women did envision a future in which they were married, the pace that led up to exchanging marital vows and what to do in the interim were not entered into the equation. Dating without marital ends — what we would call adult hookups today — were seen as preposterous and outlandish propositions that would surely lead to perdition.

10 Effective Ways to Prevent Hair Loss During Pregnancy

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Pregnant!!! When a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she thinks of love, happiness, family and wants everything to be perfect for the new baby. Hair loss is definitely not the first thought that comes to her mind. Hair during the pregnancy tends to be healthy, shiny and stronger but post pregnancy begs a different story.

Top 5 Tips For Home Cleaning

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By Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam
Every relationship coach and a romantic knows that love and romance thrive in clean and tidy spaces. Yes, beyond the health benefits of cleaning there are also relational benefits. And except you are an exceptionally tidy person, you might struggle with cleaning every part of the home. When you live in a high tech, fast-paced world, it is difficult to tear yourself away from work, social media, news and entertainment. Quite naturally, clutter will accumulate with time. This will automatically make house cleaning and organizing daunting and boring tasks.