Monday, November 20, 2017

Adult Hookups and the Modern Woman

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In the past, society carved expected paths that single women were expected to follow. Inevitably, all of these paths led to marriage. While it was true that a majority of women did envision a future in which they were married, the pace that led up to exchanging marital vows and what to do in the interim were not entered into the equation. Dating without marital ends — what we would call adult hookups today — were seen as preposterous and outlandish propositions that would surely lead to perdition.
Fortunately, we now live in a more conscious and open society, right? We agree that dating styles that are inclusive of adult hookups are a matter for each individual woman to decide. Neither friends, family, nor society as a whole has any business in suggesting or dictating how a single woman should live her life. In other words, what she wants to do before she gets married — or if she even wants to get married at all — is the choice of each woman, right?
While the immediate answer to those questions for most of us would be, yes; one cannot escape the fact that residual elements of more modest dating paradigms still persist. Unfortunately, friends and family — although all armed with the best of intentions — often interfere. They will make constant attempts at introducing you to eligible single men. I am certain you all have stories about your aunt Meredith trying to fix you up with the nephew of her friend from yoga class. Some will be critical, to your face or behind your back, about your "libertine" lifestyle.

Even women that we admire as being beyond reproach when it comes to progressive thinking are capable of besmirching those women closest to them — such as daughters and sisters — when it comes to choosing a casual and no-strings-attached approach to dating.

This can create an environment in which some modern women might repress their curiosity or desire for dabbling in the world of adult hookups. This is most unfortunate. If a woman chooses to engage in adult hookups, that is her prerogative. Likewise, if she were to choose to follow a more modest dating model, that too is her choice to make.

— Seeking Out Adult Hookups —

If for reasons of privacy and discretion you want to keep your casual dating agenda confidential, where and how would you meet potential like-minded partners?

If you are a single woman and you are confident that you are at a stage in your life in which you want nothing more beyond casual encounters, online hookup sites can prove to be an invaluable resource. Not only do they facilitate your search and discovery for discrete partners, but they also allow you to discover only those who match your specific requirements.

Viewing this through a pragmatic lens, these types of sites make "hooking up" far more efficient. You are spared the endless hours of frequenting places only in the hopes of meeting someone who makes the good adult hookup material.
Much as traditional online dating sites aimed at long-term relationships have radically changed the modern dating paradigm, so too have casual dating sites changed the way you can find adult hookups.

These types of sites share many similarities with traditional online dating sites in terms of the features that they offer and in the ease of use of their platforms. A good portion of them are available as mobile apps, thereby adding to their practicality even further.

— Safety and Discretion —

Of course, just as in online dating and traditional dating, safety and privacy should always be paramount. Before joining a site dedicated to facilitating adult hookups it is important that you properly scrutinize it. This means that you should seek out impartial reviews from third parties. You should also personally evaluate these sites and apply your own common sense as a decisive filter. You should look at things such as the gender ratio of the site. If there are an even number of men to women, or if there are more women than men on the site, that is usually indicative of a hookup site that has garnered loyalty from its female members.

A hookup site that is misogynistic in its design and tone is more than likely not going to provide you with a pleasant user experience. You will want to find a site that is inclusive of different lifestyles. These sites tend to be frequented by men that are more suitable for an adult hookup from the female perspective. They will be discrete and non-judgmental. After all, there is a huge difference between a lonely horny creep and an urbane "man of the world" that understands that pursuing physical passion is a need belonging to both genders.

Of course, it is also important to ascertain the genuineness of the site. You want to make sure that its user base is authentic — not fabricated by the site itself. Yes, as awful as that sounds, there are a few sites that do create artificial profiles primarily for marketing purposes. A good way to root these out is to thoroughly read the terms of service of the site. Those sites that employ fabricated profiles have to disclose it somewhere in the terms of service. Otherwise, they would expose themselves to charges of fraud or deceptive marketing.

Whether you choose to experiment with adult hookups or if you are merely curious about keeping it as an option for the future, rest assured that you can find discreet partners online. Never feel that you must conform to a preordained lifestyle. If and when the time comes that you want to get married, do not worry about your past. Life is a collection of chapters. Whichever way you decide to live your life prior to marriage is your business alone.

Your biggest takeaway from all of this should be that if you are open to adult hookups you should follow your desire. Don't allow the remnants of antiquated and distorted concepts of human sexuality and gender roles affect you. Leverage modern technology and seize your day.

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