Saturday, December 3, 2011

All Thing Fab - FabXchange Forum and Fabulosity Galore!

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Before I introduce the two new fabulous places you should definitely check out on the web, allow me to cry a little. Yesterday, I wanted to crow that I have 1000 subscribers, now they're back to Zero. *Wiping tears* is no one reading my blog anymore? If you're still there, please come over and leave a comment, or reply to this email, I'm so sad :(

Anyways, I've previouly told you about the FabXchange swap events in London. The fab duo are now moving their success online in order to reach more people. Fashionistas can now swap and giveaway fashion items such as clothes, shoes, bags, accessories including books to other fashionistas on the FabXchange Online Swap forum from the comfort of their homes. The FabXchange Online swap forum kicked off on the 21st of November 2011 and already boasts a growing customer base. The online forum gives its members a wider base of fashionistas to swap with and can take part from anywhere and anytime. It allows swaps between members across their country of residence with swappers exchanging fashion items by mail or pick up.

Kiru Taye's His Treasure and RWoWA Bumper Giveaway

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Don't you just love that cover? It gives me ideas, lol. Well, Kiru Taye's book is out now and you find out what lies between the covers.

Amazon - $2.99
Breathless Press - $1.99

FYI: rating is steamy *wink*

You also stand to win a copy of His Treasure through the RWoWA - Romance Writers of West Africa's bumper Christmas Giveaway this December. There will be 12 books by five authors and 7 winners! And you can be one of the lucky just by subscribing to our newsletter. The books on offer are: