Our next contributor is BUBBLES who I think is a great writer. She had a short story running on her blog recently. Check back by Tuesday latest to read what she writes for the next chapter. After that, we'll have the following two chapters from David and Leggy consecutively. The remaining list of people who have expressed interest in contributing is in no particular order below. Please let me know if you're still interested and if there are time frames that work better for you. Just send me an email mulan.mine atgmail dotcom with your contact/tweeter. Previous contributors are very welcome to write again too.
1. Omotee!
2. Tisha
3. Miss Natural
4. Afronuts
5. Miss Fab.
6. Neefemi
7. My world
8. Nita
9. G-func
10. Neo
11. Severus Snape
Meanwhile, if you've not gotten your button for everyone who had read, commented and voted on the story, you can still do so. Copy the picture below and link it to my blog. You can do this by saving the picture to your computer, adding a gadget for pictures on your template and putting my blog address on the URL area. I have seen it on some blogs in my rounds and want to say again, thank you all and I really appreciate you.