Saturday, January 21, 2017

Budget Date Night Ideas for Busy Parents

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Going on dates each week with your spouse is the best way to stay connected to each other even if you have a busy household full of kids and responsibilities. Having kids running around your house means you’ve got to make an effort to have alone time with your partner whenever you can. The problem is that the costs for a weekly date night can start to add up. After you’ve paid the babysitter, the restaurant bill, and the movie theater, your wallet may be empty. Here are some better ways to enjoy time together without spending too much money.

4 Ways Technology Can Save Your Long Distance Relationship

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Many couples worry about entering a long distance relationship. Not only will they miss the physical intimacy, but they also wonder if they will be able to stay in contact across thousands of miles and time zones. It’s especially hard when you want to talk to your significant other and they’re in the middle of a workday – or worse, sound asleep. This can make LDR couples lonely and add stress to the partnership. Fortunately, technology has made it easier to stomach the distance and make people seem close even when they’re thousands of miles away.