Saturday, July 19, 2014

Pepper Okwesa In Hospital, Showers Husband Jay Chikezie With Love on #Onye Hashtag

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Sometimes we think PDAs are only hugs and kisses and groping your partner in public. But in our internet world, great PDA also includes showering your SO with words of affirmation and love on your favorite social media network.

Waje is currently running this hashtag #onye on Instagram and Twitter where you are supposed to share a picture of your favorite personal person, as the igbo will say, Onyenkem. Often, I go on the hashtag and feed the sap in me by reading the comments people make about the ones they've chosen. #Onyes have ranged from mothers, fathers, children, besties, and of course spouses.

This #onye entry by Pepper Okwesa got my attention because 1. Her face looked familar, and 2. She looked like she was sick. Indeed she was, and her commentary on missing her hubby in hospital blew me away! Please read it below...

"On this day in hospital the presence of my #onye is really felt. You see this is the first time I have been in hospital for any reason without my husband. He tells the world to chill while he waits on me hand and foot. He sleeps in the most uncomfortable of chairs right by my side, whether its cold or hot. He thinks about himself last, putting me first before he even thinks to have his shower or anything.

He stays to hear me moan about the same thing I moaned about 15min earlier, to gist, to laugh and hear my very dry jokes, to keep me company, to pray with and for me, to share our dreams and visions, to argue join. To wash and keep me clean, to lift my legs when I can't move them, to dry my tears when I am sobbing out of pain or frustration, to run out in the rain or shine to buy me anything I want to eat and to even have patience with me when I tell him he got the wrong thing.

Jay my King, my #onye I am sorry to have ever taken you for granted and I am so blessed to have you and I know you have no limit on what you can do for me. I miss your stories and your smile. Don't worry about me I am strong, healthy and highly favoured. You know this public emo business is unlike me, but I am giving it a go knowing it will make you smile, let me use small strength to do this now at least.

I felt inspired to do so going through @officialwaje's timeline. Thank you so much, I love you @jaycapocapa.

Pepper Okwesa, husband and son

Her warm words for her husband was so beautiful and it brought tears to my eyes. I wondered if I could find anything about them online, and when I googled, guess what came up? How he proposed to her! It was a PDA of the romantic type, a cinema proposal :)

In a dramatic and romantic style, FAB Magazine’s Style Editor, Yoanna Pepper Okwesa got a marriage proposal from her fiancée at the cinema hall of Silverbird Galleria yesterday evening. According to an eyewitness’, movie goers were settling in to watch the new Hollywood action flick starring Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig, ‘Cowboys and Aliens’ but got a romantic teaser first.

“The adverts that usually run before the movie begins had played thrice in a row and the audience was getting apprehensive when Yvonne Pepper Okwesa, her mum and her fiancée walked in,” the witness narrated. “As they settled in, the text chronicling their journey began to display on the Cinema Screen reading as “it all started with the line ‘will you dance with me’ and ended with her fiancée, through the screen messages, describing her as many sweet things including ‘ my Margret Thatcher’.”

“At that point Okwesa began to get suspicious and asked him if this was his doing,” the witness continued. “The lights were turned on in the cinema hall as her beau went on his knee, the crowd’s cheers drowned the proposal but not Okwesa’s “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

I wish Pepper a quick recovery and I pray that the love between her and Jay continue to satsfy her soul forever, Amen.

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