Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pride and Persistence - How Long Should He Wait?

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Yesterday, someone sent me a link to a story on another blog and wanted me to weigh in. The conversation was essentially in two parts and I'll be discussing them as such. In this post is the angle about women who keep men who are interested in them waiting for long periods of time and then get annoyed when the men move on to someone else. Which brings me to the title of this post. Pride and Persistence.

A lot of us women have an innate pride and we exhibit this by wanting to make the men who show romantic interest in us prove that they really care in various ways. One way they can prove this is to hang around even when we push them away. We want them to be persistent.

I have nothing against self esteem and knowing your worth, but the problem in a relationship comes when one person uses it as an opportunity to play games and manipulate the other person. I believe in being honest and open, especially when there might be the chance of a romantic relationship. It is important in such situations to start building the blocks of communication from day one.

Most people usually know within three to four episodes of spending time with somebody whether they can see themselves in a romantic relationship with them. I'm not talking marriage yet. Just, can you see this yourself alone in a room with this guy? Can you imagine kissing him, having deep heartfelt conversations? If your answer is yes, then let that be on the table.

Don't let your pride get in the way of enjoying a genuine relationship. If you like a guy say so, and if you don't, let them know too, and let them go. If you choose to keep a man who has declared his feelings dangling for years, and he sticks around, there are several things that might happen;

- In his persistence, the guy may lose his sense of self-worth and which self respecting lady wants that? Worse, he may become a stalker.

- The lady develops genuine feelings for the guy, but she has presented this facade of herself that makes it impossible to be real thereafter.

- They get into a relationship but guy thinks he is second best and dumps the lady as a way to get back at her.

- The guy moves on, and because he has been spending so much time in the lady's social circle, he ends up with someone she knows and she is heartbroken.

None of these scenarios are one I would want to happen to anyone I know.

In the particular instance I read on the blog I was directed to, the toasting went on for two years. However, good things have a way of coming to an end when you do not nurture them. The guy moved on and the lady is unhappy that he moved on to her best friend.

Read the Complete Story - How could She?

The question then is, how long should a woman make a man wait before she accepts that he has proved his persistence?

Even I don't know the answer to that question and each person has to do what works for them. I do know however that for a person who declares their affections and intentions within one month, two years is a long time to wait. I don't think it's even advisable for the lady to keep her emotions in limbo for two years. If she really did not love the guy, she could have used that time to meet another guy who is more her specs.

Nobody wins in a toasting period that is strung out for years.

A toaster is usually a giver. He gives of his time, his affections, and possibly his wealth. He makes himself vulnerable. Most times, he is not playing games. Don't mock the toaster, don't toy with his heart. Don't just keep taking and expect the stream to keep flowing. A relationship is best when there's give and take and setting yourself as simply a taker from the beginning is a mark for failure. Also, allowing your pride to keep you on a pedestal just for pride sake is not healthy for a relationship.

The whole idea of friendships that go nowhere especially when one party has expressed romantic feelings benefits no one. You want the guy to continue spilling his guts to you in the name of persistence, and you reward his efforts by walling off your emotions?

I have found that sometimes, we fear that by sharing our inner feelings with a guy, we're opening ourselves to heart break, but really, how will you know when you don't try? When you string the other person along out of pride, fear, or with the idea of making him second best after a while, you're only cheating yourself.

The only way to bring realness into the relationship, and give it room to blossom is when you take the risk to share your genuine feelings, thoughts, and who you really with the other person. Then, if your personalities don't mesh, you can both go your separate ways sooner rather than later.

This is just what I think, but you may have a different opinion or experience. If so, I'd love to hear it. In a second post, I'll be discussing the issue of getting together with the exes of your friends. Stay Tuned.


  1. God bless you for this Myne @ "I have found that sometimes, we fear that by sharing our inner feelings with a guy, we're opening ourselves to heart break, but really, how will you know when you don't try?".I wannna smother you with hugs right now,but i doubt if Atala will like that.LOL

    I'm with you on this totally.

    1. fear can make us be overly cautious for sure, and the hope is that the people overcome it over time. And nothing wrong with eHugs, come here jare :)

  2. Hhhmmmmm..... This actually happened to me some months ago. I really liked this lady for over 2 years but she strung me along. By the time she realised I was no longer on her case, I had done my introduction to a friend she knew. Now she turns around to accuse me of unfaithfulness - to a relationship that never existed in the first place! She went as far as threatening to inform my fiance that I'd intentions towards her before, all in a bid to break our engagement (thank goodness I told my fiance all that transpired in the past).

    Morale of the story 'If you no like something, make u no smell am'.

    1. Now that I have a real person and not just a story, can you tell us more about what happened from your own point of view? Why did you stay for over two years?

  3. I read that post and it i thought: 2 years of praying and 'testing'? Mba

  4. Hmmm, this was so educative and I hope ladies learn from this and take note for good. Why mess up a guy's self-esteem and give him ideas when you're not interested? I think that's just callous! Playing hard to get should have limits in fact, talk less of when you clearly don't see the guy in the future picture. Little wonder, some guys get crazy enough to rape and molest some ladies. #justsaying.

    1. Geebee, there's really no excuse or justification for any kind of molestation. Seriously.

  5. Personally, i feel age has a big role to play in this.

    Imagine a 19 year old undergraduate lady, courted or "toasted" by a 20 year old classmate. There's nothing wrong if she decides to take her time for about 2 years before making a decision. At that stage, the focus should be on building friendships.

    On the other hand, if both are above 25 years and ready for commitment, why is she making "shakara". If a man complements you, there's no sense wasting time

    There's no hard and fast rule to dating, best idea is to follow ones heart and gut instinct.

    1. I agree with you that age is very key in such scenarios. This post as most on this blog are focused on mature singles. Like you said, no need for shakara or wasting time.

  6. OMG I can definitely relate as an offender (but my own offense never reach 2 years sha o).

    Over time I realized that if I'm reluctant to give into the guy/my feelings then maybe the feelings aren't strong enough and yes the female might like to keep the man around because she likes the attention even though she knows she will never ever get to a point where she is emotionally entangled with him. It's best if we see the other person's perspective.

    Ladies have mercy o... just cos you like the attention does not mean you should drag a man along and mess with his feelings because Karma comes back hard.

    1. Most of us girls are guilty, including myself. But two years of "friendship"? SMH.

    2. feeling guilty here. the guy toasted me nearly 3 years ago. i said no, but we continued to be friends. now i love the guy and he knows it but i can't agree to go further with him unless he changes in several important ways. so, we are just "friends"--but we tell each other everything. i am jealous of the other women he sees... But what can i do... since i can't be with him, he has the right to see other people. it is painful, sha.

  7. if you are being wooed and you find out you have a connection with the person 'why beat about the bush?'. makes no sense to me. if there is chemistry and the person is polite and that generous abeg i don free the shakara

    1. LOL...I like that phrase, "free the shakara" :)

  8. I don't think she was into him romantically. If she was, she won't wait for two years to test him or confirm whatever she wanted confirmed. When you love someone and you are both ready to settle down with the means and all, you won't want to wait unnecessarily.
    Her best friend loves him hopefully and he loves her too and they are already getting hitched. I hope it is not the case of her been a 'sharp' girl though... :-/

    Anyway, back to your question, I don't see why women play games. If they do, they are girls and not women. A woman knows what she wants and goes for it. She is attracted to a guy and lets him know. Subtly or plainly speaking, she drives home her message...
    Life is way too short to play games especially with the way people seem to be dying.
    As Anonymous said,

    *Sorry for the essay. This girl likes to type*

    1. And I like to read comments. Thanks for saying it as it is :)

  9. Wow Myne, you hit the nail on the proverbial Head..... Falling in love and declaring your love for another human being is a risk and it often times lets you feel vulnerable, when one person decides to string the other person along, thats just cruel. i believe in saying exactly how you feel from the beginning so no time gets wasted and no feelings get hurt.

    1. Thanks. I often pity men when I think about the whole business of always having to make the first move. :)

  10. Now I'm loving u right now,myself and two of my sisters have discussed this issue for days and they still feel the best friend was the snitch.

    I guess all ladies are guilty of this but two years?? Fasting and praying and testing the guy. Haba! He's human too na.

    I totally agree with you on this, if I like anyone enough to date them, I def sill know in the couple of meetings. Two years too much , abeg.

    1. Two years is really pushing it, especially when she has not let the guy know that she is even interested.

  11. I think 2 years is too long to make a man prove his worth. To me, that reeks of insecurity, vanity, or both. It's natural for women to want guys to be persistent and prove their interest, but in my opinion, it shouldn't become a game (do this, then this, but don't do this until he says this, etc).

    Reading the story though, the whole thing seems ridiculous to me. She clearly was not interested in Segun and was only taking advantage of his interest in her, thinking it would never wane. She's only now smarting from the rejection she feels from Segun's sudden non-interest in her and the fact that the new focus of his affection is her best friend. Abeg jare.

    1. Exactly. I think it is her pride that is hurting rather than the fact that she ever cared for the guy.

  12. Matter of the heart can be very tricky. I don't want to comment on the girl or her best friend, but all I can say is that she didn't love the guy or even like him enough and she should have moved on long ago. She probably was keeping him by the side in case no one else showed up. Not every guy is that persistent or willing to wait. Some guys don't just like to waste

    1. Totally agree, not all men are that persistent. And then what if she really liked him? Then she has lost both ways.

  13. In a case where you have no interest in the guy and he's been on your case for over 3 years which most definitely means he has become a stalker please what do you do o!

    I've got 3 guys like that on my case and it's not even the same zip code as funny:(

    1. Anonymous, I laughing sha, but I know it's probably not funny for you. I think you have to be very clear and direct in telling off those guys. And stop picking their calls, text or email. Cheers.

  14. "...good things have a way of coming to an end when you do not nurture them."
    A relationship is best when there's give and take and setting yourself as simply a taker from the beginning is a mark of failure."
    Thank you Myne, for these two golden nuggets. They have struck a very deep chord in me. Kudos!

  15. I can never understand why people play these games and then complain when it doesn't work for them. If you like someone, why pretend you don't? Beats me.

    1. Beats me too, Kiru. But I can inderstand that some of it is learned behavior and what we think is expected of us.

  16. I dont know why women behave like that,more than 60percent of women do SHAKARA for 2 long,this happen 2 me when i was still in the university some years back.I was in love with one of my class girl,i toasted her from 2year to our final year and she never accepted my love.after graduation from school both of us was posted 2 the same state for (NYSC).during our orientation i met another girl that accept my love under 3days,that my course mate became angry with me and was telling some of her friends that i dump her as soon as we got to camp.She even told my girlfriend that she was my gfriend back in the university

    1. Hmmm....this our woman shakara no go kill us sha. I hope your course later moved on.

  17. I def. Have to agree here... if you cannot picture yourself romantically with a guy.. int he first few encounters forget about it... dont string him (and yourself) along hoping that one day such mutual feelings will manifest. They won't. Even if you do sort of kinda like the guy bottling your emotions will never allow the relationship to prosper. It's like watering a plant one drop at a time.

    Also, I do believe that holding out (emotionally) so long on a guy will only result in feeelings of resentment that may manifest itself in other ways.

    Best not to even go there.

  18. Guilty as charged!!! but two years is too long to string someone along my problem was always that i didn't want to hurt the guys feelings by rejecting them so i let them hang around while keeping my options open eventually some got the hint and moved on as for others......well that's story for another day lol I also agree with the age thing when you are older you know exactly want you want and are quicker in saying yes or no to a toaster

  19. Aha!! I was looking for this post as you mentioned it in my rules of engagement post.
    NollyReinvented got it. "if I'm reluctant to give into the guy/my feelings then maybe the feelings aren't strong enough". That is the koko.
    But the thing is religion/hope confuses the matter somewhat. Some ladies start praying and asking God to help them love him in return and turn it into some 'endurance test' when they should just let go.
    This love/relationship thing shaa. Simple yet complicated.

  20. I am currently a toaster and I am thankful that Mayne wrote this article.
    I had a scarce but passionate relationship for 2 months with a girl that in the third month started to get distant so I got annoyed and broke it up suddenly.
    Well, I am really in love so I went back with my tail btw my legs and started courting her again. Its been a month of a toaster life. I txt her, email her, once sent her flowers on a special occasion. She gets back to me, we talk daily, but not with the frequency and passion we had at the begging. I initiate it most of the time.
    This is currently a long distance relationship.
    I am going to be persistant and consistent. What I don't understand is if she likes my attention to boost her pride or genuinely wants to be won back?
    This limbo is cause by the fact that, even if I expressed my feelings more or less clearly to her, she has not done the same so it keeps you wondering.
    I stand on a fine thread where I might get tired of toasting with no clear sign from her and eventully get bitter at her.
    I am happy to be a toaster as I like romance and winning back a heart even if it makes me vulnerable.
    I am going to give it another months or so of persistance regardless of her poor feedback then I am done.

    Its funny because, even if I am in love, you still get bitter in a way, and at time feel like once I win her back I will dump her to get back at her for making me so clueless for so long. Unless she explains it all to me and it make sense.

  21. Keeping a guy waiting is not even wise. If u like him too, you should at least give him the greenlight.


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