Wednesday, October 24, 2018

10 Celebrities Who Relapsed After Rehab

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The limelight is filled with twists and turns at almost every session. At one time some people are dating the other time they have a scandal over scandals. This is not the end of it actually as there is the story of drugs in it also. Most of these celebrities took their breakthrough with so much weight that it actually consumed them. Some of them have at one time or another been in a rehab center and thank God most have changed but there still remains a species of celebrities that remain adamant. Here is a couple of them.

1. Will Arnett
He is one of the voices of holy wood got into alcohol and got hooked to it so strongly that his marriage hit rock bottom at some point and he had to go to the rehab. He actually showed some promising signs of recovery but later went back to his normal habit.

2. Bela Lugosi
Talk of him and Dracula comes into mind. At the height of his career, he was termed to be a morphine addict. This is something that he was unable to quit and this registered also to his career as it faded very fast. He actually got to a rehab center and paused his use until later in his days where he went back to using it and he died of heart attack.

3. Steven Tyler
Now, this is a story of how drugs can drain you really fast. Steven had a crash and from then relied on drugs to keep him on stage and he got addicted. He at one point passed out on stage and that’s when he was taken to a rehab center. He went and came out sober but later his addiction caught up with him and this time he fell off the stage.

4. Charlie Sheen
His rehab journey started after he was found unconscious after an overdose. He was taken to the rehab but he refused to stay there more than a couple of hours but the sheriff forced him there. He got out of the facility and went back to enjoying his drugs and alcohol.

5. David Hasselhoff
David has had a history of alcoholism right from his early days in the career. He actually made video clips of himself while drunk. He was taken to a rehab center and that shook him a bit to his senses and after some time he went back to small time drugs.

6. Gerard Buttler
This is a story of a lawyer become a superstar. However, it doesn’t end well as both his jobs were terminated by his alcoholic behavior. I tend to think that he should have tried out a private rehab like the private Beverly Hills rehab center which would have saved him a lot. He would have had a quality time and a sure recovery and get follow up so as not to relapse.

7. David Arquette
He made a name for himself through wrestling but it would appear like he got a little bit of incentive from drugs. He got to a rehab after his career began sinking and eh changed a bit

8. Ozzy Osbourne
Rockstardom got the better part of him and he got way deep into drugs and despite the numerous attempts to convince him to quit he did not have it in him to quit.

9. Kelly Osbourne
Now this is more of a family thing as she was an addict at 17 and she desperately tried her way out of it by going to a couple of rehab centers but it really did not work out for her.

10. Eminem
He is an all-time hip-hop rapper but he didn’t keep his drugs in line. He actually did a mixture of a couple of them and it never ended well. He almost died and at this point, he went to rehab but only reduced his intake.

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