Monday, March 12, 2018

4 Reasons Why You Should Chase A Career In Education

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You have always imagined settling into your career seamlessly; excited to get up every morning and head into work for a busy and challenging day. It took you a little while to pinpoint where you wanted to get to in your career, but scoring your dream job would most certainly involve working in a college or school. Many people ask you why you would want to go back to school. Most of us used to spend our time wishing away the day at school, so why would you want to chase a career in education? Next time somebody asks you why, you can tell them the following pointers:

5 Ways to Improve Your Skin Naturally

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Your skin is the largest body organ. Just like other organs in your body, it requires proper care. Since it’s also the most delicate, it needs your attention to keep it healthy and looking good. You are what you eat and your skin is the best reflection of your diet. The kind of food you eat can either make your skin look youthful and supple or wrinkled and aged.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Calm Confidence and Cool Composure: How To Bring Out Your Positive Persona

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You scroll through Instagram and gaze longingly at the abundance of beautiful women on your feed. They have perfectly perky bums, flawlessly made up faces and sleekly styled haircuts which you could only dream to have one day.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Making Your Hand Me Downs & Second Hands Stylish Again

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The term hand-me-down comes with a few negative connotations, but it shouldn’t, especially if it implies you rifling through your parent’s closet to see if they have any gems kicking about; gems that they haven’t worn in twenty-something years. It’s such an amazing way to find one-off items, it such an amazing way to spruce up your own wardrobe without it cost you more credit card debt and such an amazing way to get ahead of the times because, as we all know, trends always come back around.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Beauty Tips and Tricks to Look Beautiful and Younger

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All you ladies out there, don’t you want to look young and vibrant all the time? Even, it won’t be absurd if I say that many of us want to knock down a couple of years off our appearance or sometimes more than that to get back our sweet-sixteen glow always! But, if you think that opting for those painful injections or harmful surgical procedures could be an effective approach to satisfy your quest for that youthful appearance then it doesn’t make any sense.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Fifteen Habits to Enhance your Daily Life

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Enhancing your daily life is something which you are supposed to be doing on a daily basis, particularly nowadays in the time of social media bragging. But not many people really have time to do the normal things which are associated with enhancing your life – few people have the time and money required for trips to India or New Zealand, both places which are associated with life enhancement and freedom of a certain kind.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Beauty Hacks: 5 Amazing Benefits of Lip Fillers

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By Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam

Many people are envious of Angelina Jolie’s plump lips. But it was Kylie Jenner who seemed to give beauty enthusiasts the courage to use lip fillers. Ever since she publicly admitted to having a lip enhancement procedure, the popularity of lip lifts, dermal fillers, and implants sky-rocketed.
Researchers have noted an increase in inquiries, mostly from young people between the ages of 18-24. Every woman wants to enhance her femininity while adding some definition to her face.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

3 Herbs and 3 Supplements Good for a Healthier Lifestyle

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A healthy lifestyle doesn't always look like heavyweights and a whole fridge of leafy vegetables. It can also look like little herbs and capsules.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Is Vaping Bad for You? Common Health Concerns in Vaping

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Vaping is significantly less harmful than smoking, with Public Health England pegging e-cigarettes as about 95 percent safer than traditional cigarettes. While vaping is certainly the safer option, that doesn’t mean it’s totally risk-free. A few health concerns have come up with regard to vaping, although most can be avoided.

Friday, December 22, 2017

4 Supplements That Will Help Your Body Adapt to Stress

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Stress is one of the most difficult physical conditions to conquer. Whether you are an athlete, driver, office worker or just somebody who wants to stay fit, you have definitely encountered this problem. Fortunately there are some all natural supplements that you can use to counter the symptoms of stress and fatigue so that you can move on with your day productively and effectively. The 4 effective supplements mentioned in this guide will not only reduce your tension and stress levels significantly, but will also allow you to do what needs to be done effectively!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

4 Ways to Keep Your Skin Moisturized in the Winter

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A long, cold winter can mean that your skin is about to feel drier than usual. Winter is right around the corner, which means you can take a few steps to ward off the frustration of dry hands and skin. Here are four ways to keep your skin moisturized and healthy throughout the winter season:

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

9 Ways Social Media Can Help You Travel for Less!

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You’ve probably been told by many to lay off your phone and particularly, social media while you’re traveling to make for a more enjoyable trip. But truth be told, social media can actually help you travel for less if you use it diligently right from the initial trip planning stages!
Surprised? You sure are.
Before you go offline to prepare for your next big vacation, spend a few minutes reading these 9 unbelievable ways social media can help you slash travel costs and enjoy the trip of a lifetime!

Monday, November 27, 2017

6 Top Tips For a Healthy Lifestyle

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Good Health is one of most essential element for living great life without any problems for long, but drenched in our work so much with our mind heading in all direction to seek out some creative ideas for getting best work done in less time ,we forget about getting proper diet, going to gym etc. to keep our body fit and fine ,that’s the one of the main reason which provoked me to come up with some of the key components of one’s life which you can inculcate in your life without doing much effort to make your lifestyle better and body healthy .

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Importance Of Work-Life Balance And How Women Can Achieve It

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If you’re one of the millions of women who bring their work home with them day after day, spend long hours at the office, and forget to practice self-care because you’re so busy, you’ve probably got a tension headache as you’re reading this. Add children and household chores to the mix, and it might seem like the work never stops. Sit back from the computer for a minute, take a deep breath, rub your temples, close your eyes, and ignore the ginormous pile of laundry in the background. Imagine a world where stress is only an occasional thing.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Smart Tricks for Making Your Small Bedroom Look Nice & Spacious

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Small bedrooms are quite challenging to design and even decorate as things become difficult because of the large furniture item called the bed. Many of you may feel slightly claustrophobic by cramped spaces but thanks to some smart and strategic styling and designing you could easily convert a small bedroom into a luxurious and cozy retreat. You could make your snug bedroom look fascinating and spacious by using the following clever tricks of interior design.You could still decorate your small bedroom very nicely without giving up your sense of space or sense of style. You must follow certain color schemes and interior design rules that would make your snug bedroom look spacious, warm, and welcoming too.

Monday, October 16, 2017

You'll Wait Till 2018 for Your iPhone X - Here's Why

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Apple is commemorating ten years since the release of the first iPhone. This long journey has seen at least 4 million new improvements to that iPhone version. The flagship product, iPhone X, is available for pre-orders on October 27.

Monday, October 9, 2017

How To Keep Your Home and Windows In Tip Top Shape

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Your home is your castle. It’s your safe haven from the outside world, and the place where you can be yourself. Naturally you would want your sanctuary to be a blissful nirvana, but unfortunately it will most likely cause you some worry from time to time. Leaking faucets, blocked drains, squeaky doors, drafty windows — these are just some of the things that can cause you grief. But like death and taxes, maintenance is an unavoidable part of home ownership. Here are a few suggestion to keep your home and windows in tip top shape.

Friday, October 6, 2017

A Step By Step Guide To Scoring Your Dream Job

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Most people work jobs that are less than suitable for their talents and personality type. That is because the process of identifying your dream career is long and complicated. Developing the right strategy to achieve your goal is even more challenging. So, lots of folks spend their lives in employment situations that never make them feel fulfilled.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

How To Turn Your Passion into a Shining Career

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No one wants to work at a job devoid of any passion or love for the work. Much has been written about how not being engaged with the job hampers employee productivity and proves negative for both the employee and the employer. But the actual picture doesn’t seem to change. A recent study found that up to 87% of-of the American workforce do not deliver results according to their full potential because they lack the passion for their work.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Wedding Hat Style Guide

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Have a Wedding Invite this season and worrying about the look you should wear? Think no further. Instead of wearing a plain Jane look, sway this Wedding Season by adorning a stunning Wedding - Hat accompanying your chic outfit and classy footwear. Yes, the Wedding Hats adds that timeless classy quotient to the Wedding look. It does not matter if you are the guest, you still can flash a statement Wedding-Hat with panache and make the heads turn.

There is a variety of Wedding-hat styles available to choose from to complete the look. If you are still confused, then here is an Infographic to guide you through to select the appropriate style suiting your outfit and personal style.