For those who may not know, carrying fake designer bags is illegal in the Eurpoean countries hosting designers like Chanel, Hermes, LV and other high end bag makers.
In Spain and France, it is actually constitutional to confiscate bags suspected to be fake or counterfeit on the streets. However, most bags are taken from users at airports when passing through customs.
BellaNaija reader who has asked to be referred to as ‘FOB’ went through the following at the Geneva Airport. I think the treatment she received was unfair, if not racist. Read on....
I arrived Geneva from London at about 11:00am on British Airways Flight No. 726 on August 9th to pick my kids who had been in camp in Switzerland for 3 weeks from the airport.
After going through immigration with no issues, I was walking through the nothing to declare section when I was called aside by a gentleman for questioning. At this point, he didn’t introduce himself as a customs official.
He asked to search my bag which I handed over to him with my passport and at this point the first question he asked me was “where did you get your bag from? The streets?”