Monday, August 5, 2013

I've Got a New Hobby - Riding a Bicycle

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Before I met Atala, I didn't know many people who loved riding and took it as a hobby. Moving to UK as a student and interacting with other students had of course opened my eyes to bikes as a viable option for commuting. But in Nigeria before then, the closest I had come to biking was half-following the Tour de france and admiring Lance Armstrong in his jersey.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Rita Dominic and Other Actors Celebrate Omotola Jalade

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Rita Dominic shared these pictures of Nollywood actors celebrating Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde on her selection as one of Time Magazine's 100 most influential persons in the world. She tagged it #nollywoodcelebrates Omotola Jalade Ekeinde.. #Times100mostinfluencialpeopleintheworld. More pictures below...

How To Empower Yourself For a More Positive Life

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by Holly Riordan

There are positive things to tell yourself when you’re feeling down. It’s dangerous to sulk in your sadness and as hard as it is, you have to try to make your mind a happier place. Don’t let yourself believe that it’s pointless to keep living your life. Start changing your attitude by reading these positive things to tell yourself.

Vacation Time - Banky W at the Toronto Caribana Carnival

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Banky W was Nigerian and proud at yesterday's Toronto Caribbean Carnival tagged the Caribana. Proudly carrying the green white green of Nigeria, he had fun as he danced and took pictures with participants of the carnival as well as friends and fans.

Word for the Week - Bring Out Your Best

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Happy Sunday, and have a great week ahead!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Funny Video - Frank Donga's Visa Interview

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The hilarious tales of Frank Donga continues with his appointment at the embassy for an interview for a travel Visa. Find out if this time he nails it or REALLY blows it. Watch the first episode here.

8 Facts About Breasts and The Modern Cleavage

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Via LiveScience

The quintessential embodiment of female sexuality, breasts have fascinated and mystified since the beginning of time. From the biology that makes breasts, and breast-feeding, possible, and the odd boob changes that occur with motherhood to historical perceptions of the hourglass shape, LiveScience the art and science of breasts.

First Photos from Dotun and Taiwo Oyebanjo’s Church Wedding

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Dotun of CoolFM (Oladotun Ojuolape Kayode) and Taiwo Oyebanjo, the younger sister of D'banj had their traditional engagement ceremony last weekend and have just solemnized it in Church earlier today. These are some pictures from those who were at the church wedding. I love the Groom's white jacket on black suit, more pictures coming...

Do You Run Other Women Down Because of Men?

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Toke Makinwa's vlog this week is about women who talk bad about other women in front of their love interests, either because they're interested in the same man, or out of a presumed "honesty" to save the man from himself. Toke feels so bad about it that she's really ranting, and I do see where she's coming from. However, in as much as we want to be all kumbaya, one may ask, is it not sometimes necessary to call out a woman who's behaving badly? Check out the video and let's discuss.

Love Letters To My Woman 3 - Iweka Kingsley

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Dear You,

This is how it starts, lightening strikes the heart, sparks a flame, and then it begins to shine brighter than the sun. I have seen heaven, and it is in your eyes. When you blink I see flashes of lightening, colorless, but beautiful in every way.