Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Once a JuaNita

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Both stared at the phone and boy was it a tense moment “Well? Answer it.”

She gulped, “No I'm not going to. I want to know what you did.”

“You don't even want to know who your caller is?”

Iphey snatched up the phone and checked the ID. Her stomach plummeted when she recognized it but she wouldn't allow herself to be deterred. “Look, don’t change the subject.”

James remained silent and she summoned all the firmness within her, "James, what did you do?"

"Iphey I- It was- I had to -for the sake of my family. I borrowed money…” He was stammering in anxiety, nonetheless his eyes held a mysterious glint, one too dangerous for comfort.

“That doesn’t sound too bad,” she shrugged, regaining her composure.

“Iphey, stop interrupting me please, just listen…” demanded James. “At first it was from the bank but when their payments came up, I couldn't make it. And the last thing I wanted was for them to start sending letters to my office or the house. I had to find somewhere else to get the money. Look, it was my only choice; either that or the bank would sue me or Ngozi would find out. I wanted none of that to happen”

It began to dawn on Iphey what might have happened. The suspense was driving her insane. She wanted to wring his neck to get the truth out but simply gestured for him to continue.

“I had been gambling heavily, losing a lot of money but still hoping for my big win. Luckily the owners of the place agreed to loan me money in advance to pay off the bank. I would then owe them...wait before you say anything!” Seeing Iphey about to talk, “I now know I was stupid, but then I was like a man possessed. I won a little sometimes, and it felt good at that time because I could pay off some of the debt, I could buy stuff for your sister and pay my son's bills. It felt like I was working again, like I was a man...” He leaned back with a faraway smile on his face.

Without warning, she sprang from the sofa, towering over him. Iphey’s mind raced a hundred ways and her heart pounded with seething ferocity. This was too much too bear. “Of all people James, you should know better than to stoop so low. How could a man in his right mind abandon his wife, and don’t let me get started about Obi. You allowed yourself to be sucked into gambling? As a man my dear in-law, family must always come first, regardless of any financial woes you may have incurred.”

He stood abruptly, fuming “What would you have done in my shoes? Gone to church to pray for your debts to be cleared in an instant?”

“You abandon your loved ones and you stand before me expecting pity? So now, have you paid off your debt? HAVE YOU?!" Unable to control her thoughts, the damage was done as the bile spilled out.

"DON'T YOU DARE JUDGE ME!" His voice was raised to match hers. "Tell me what to do because I have waited for God to send money down and it hasn't happened. He may have answered your prayers but not mine. So NO! I have not paid it back."

She backed down shaking, however, he had set her mind in motion; she had judged Chinedu too. Acted as an arbiter and almost written him off because of his past. And here she was doing the same to James, will she never learn?

He began talking once again “I messed up big time, borrowed more money from the group and couldn't pay because I kept losing...”

"That's still not enough reason. James...” She began more gently, “Whatever action you took in the past is in the past. I’m not in the position to blame or point a finger at you, but please let's go see Ngozi..."

“Iphey the people I owe are after my family. I owe them millions! The gang are after Ngoo and Obi. That's why I had to leave, for the protection of my family. ”

Her mouth fell open. "Oh my God..."

James turned sideways and glared at her with dark eyes, coming closer till they were an inch apart “You see why I left them? Why I cannot go with you? Not this time and not ever. You never saw me, I was never here and I don’t exist...are we clear on that?”

Iphey nodded vigorously. He’d changed. She was right, the James everyone knew, the kind-hearted one who humbled most with his modesty, was gone and so was the spark in his eyes, in their place was the remnants of a wounded man and shattered dreams.

"Don't mention this to your sister. If you do, I know she'll come looking for me and I can't allow that. That was why I followed you here. I managed to get away before the gang could trace me or my family. Still I remained in Lagos to keep an eye on all of you just to be sure. Coincidence rocked the boat when we met this evening. Don't tip it over. It would be disastrous."

Iphey was speechless. What on earth was she supposed to think at a time such as this? Waving away her thoughts, she willed herself back into reality to see James storming out the door in a hurried manner.

"Why?" she mouthed at his retreating back. The heavens sympathised and joined in her despair, a drop at a time. She stood at the door unable to close, knowing she had to go out again. She couldn't keep it to herself, she had to tell Ngozi. Nausea flooded her every being, overcoming her senses but she wouldn't allow it.


So that's it folks. James is gone (for now) but the story continues. Vote on the right side bar for the next chapter.

Our contributor this week is Nita of Fafali's Boredom Maximus. She is a talented writer and I just love the poems she shares on her blog. She has this to say about herself...

"Alright here goes, Im a jalapeno sized mouth teen who cannot stop raving about her life and how she prefers to write poems about her conconbulated( ehn?) life whiles being bored at the same time."


  1. and second!!!! now i'm off to read!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. wow Nita!! nice addition to the suspense...James is in some serious wahala and so is his family..dang...

    on a side note, i felt a little confused towards the end, did the writer mean to say "She couldn't keep it to herself,she had to tell Ngozi" and Not "She couldn't keep it to herself, she had to tell Iphey"?

    Also, did she mean to say "she mouthed at his retreating back" Not "she mouthed as his retreating back" ?

    just asking..

  4. Thanks for pointing that out Shade. It's all my fault as the editor. I missed that.

    Also, you've won the eBook Love happens. Please send an email to mulan.mine@gmail to receive your free copy.

  5. Thanks Myne!! will do that right away....*a joyous tune breaks out in my head*

  6. nt fair y cnt i b first...nd i wuz stalking it.....DARN!

  7. ...and technnically i'm second! lol Wow..and the plot thickens...So James was once a gambler...and there's even a gang? Chei! this James is uber stupid sha! After putting his family at risk, he runs away to save them from the after effects of his stupididty?? SMH

    Well done, Nita great post...Myne, Well done.

  8. thanks for taking my spot shade....*grumbling as she walks off*


  10. I have given up on trying to be first... I seem to fail woefully at it. I like the angle given to this James story. It makes it seem more substantial than just leaving to safeguard his ego and manhood. Really want to see what direction the story goes in now... And how will it all end???

  11. Nice one Jaunita...cant wait to see how this will end!!!

  12. nice Nita, hmn very godfather, u dont pay up the mob comes to get ur family.

  13. Wow wow James oo!!! I kinda feel for him tho...eyah

    How can Iphey keep this from her sis tho? hmmmm...good one!

  14. Thank you all.

    @Neo, no be small godfather sturvs o. Let's see how this plays out.

  15. I so guessed most of this part o,especially the gambling,after losing his job!
    But wow!!! Nita really did justice in describing the emotions.....
    I LOVE!!!

  16. nice - plus i like that his story has ended too - so now more on chinedu - Myne when is my turn, now that i'm interested in writing o

  17. Although I hardly comment, I read most of the peices of others stories and try to keep up. I try to decipher some of the words and everything. I think this is truley talented writting..and I love that it is always switched up!:)

  18. I like how you killed of james. I feel like he should never have been brought in in the first place

  19. ooh james story na war oo,hope his wife will be able to stand that

  20. Hmm Nice one, everyone comes to the table with a new twist. Good job JuaNita.

  21. Nice!

    I'm wondering however why the 'gang' haven't got to James' family yet, with the hopes of ratting him out?

    Maybe they're not that sophisticated huh?

    I can't imagine how Ngozi will take this news. Sigh....

  22. All right, as someone who has 'inside info', let me give those of you people wishing to be the first to post some 'expo'.

    The trick is to hold your breath for three minutes while standing on your right foot with your left arm raised up. By doing this, you are sending signals to Myne that will make her feel like posting a new instalment.

    Trust me, I've tried this and it works (except that I'm never in time to post, because I have to recover after holding my breath for so long. :) )

  23. i actually loved the James twist, believe it or not I'm hoping there's some connection somewhere though.

  24. oh nooooo, i really wanted to be first. newayz, it's all good *sad face*

    james a gambler? poor ngozi, wonder how she'll cope with the news but must iphey tell her? tatafo, don't u know sometimes, u keep sturv from ur loved ones to keep dem from pain(dats if only u love dem as much as u should)...dats just my opinny o..

    nice write up nita. kudos!

  25. i loved it!!!

    u know what i loved most?

    *coincidence rocked the boat. dont tip it over, it might be disastrous.*

    read it like 10 times, no kidding!

  26. Nice writing Nita,
    one of the best we've seen so far...
    its been great
    (crossing my hands expecting more)

  27. one day one day, i'll be first on this spot.
    nice story sha! cant wait

  28. lol @Atala wala wala - yeah, i'm sure it works-lmao

    so, really great work..Nita..

    so she's to keep this from her sis? why did the James xter even bother to surface on her doorstep,it was best when he was thought of as dead jare


  29. AHHH I love it!!! Will I ever be first Myne!!! hmmm poor Ngozi! Great job to the writer!

  30. i think this is my absolute favorite post....'coincidence rocked the boat, dont tip it over...'.nice!!

  31. Wow loving the twist, italian mafia lol.

  32. Am I allowed to comment? hehe
    Thank you thank you thank you.
    *head gradually swelling*

  33. new writers bring vibe of fresh air lol, the story was worth the read..thanks for sharing.

  34. hmmm not an excuse enough to me.. i would say.. that's all unsatisfactory.. anti climax..

  35. nice write lol trust ladies to never keep their mouths shut of course she's gon tell her sis

  36. oooh who was calling. lol mr funnyhoneymoney with the power of foresight u got it. gambling feels sooo good, the bad thing is how to get out of it :( and no i dont gamble except playing the lottery occasionally is gambling lol

  37. Thank you all,

    @Miss N, are you sure that is not gambling? Just jk...


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