Saturday, August 23, 2014

#BringBackOurGirls - Oby Ezekwesili And Her Team Hand Out Fliers In Abuja

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Oby Ezekwesili and other advocates of #BringBackOurGirls have refused to give up, and are still having sit-ins at Unity Square in Abuja.

The group of protesters marked the 130th day after the abduction of Chibok schoolgirls by members of Boko Haram last April, by handing out fliers to motorists in Abuja.

I want to acknowledge Oby Ezekwesili for her consistency and being a hands on leader for the team and for continuing to motivate those that come out by being in the forefront of things.

Kudos maa'm!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Dating Naked Contestant Sues VH1 For Showing Her Naked Crotch On TV

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Jessie Nizewitz, a naked reality star in VH1's Dating Naked, is suing the network, claiming they aired uncensored footage of her privates.

The New York model is filing a lawsuit against the show for $10 million, saying that following an uncensored shot of her crotch, she has been insulted and humiliated online. The scene featured Nizewitz performing a playful wrestling move on her date while both of them were naked.

The episode of the racy reality show [contestants have to be naked when they go on dates with each other] she's referring to aired on July 31.

I've been watching the show since I announced it here, and actually saw that episode but I can't remember seeing unblurred privates, TBH. But it really happened since the photo is really out there.

Firefighters Get Electrocuted in Ice Bucket Challenge Fail

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Another #ALSIceBucketChallenge has gone badly wrong, as four firefighters had to be hospitalized for electric burns and shocks after going too close to electric lines.

The two closest to the power line, Captain Tony Grider, 41, and Simon TA. Quinn, 22, had to be airlifted to the University of Louisville Hospital where they are being treated in the hospital’s burn unit.

Two other fighters were shocked by electricity coming down the vehicle’s ladder, Captain Steve Marrs, 37 and Alex Johnson, 28.

Grider remains in serious condition, but Quinn’s status has been updated from serious to fair.

Morgue Attendant Admits To Having Sex With 100 Female Corpses While On Crack

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A morgue attendant has admitted to having sex with up to 100 corpses while on the job, many times while the bodies were being stored for autopsies.

Kenneth Douglas, a 60-year-old Ohio resident, said he had sex with the corpses between 1976 and 1992 while working the night shift.

Douglas was convicted of gross corpse abuse in 2008 after admitting to having sex with the corpse of a 19-year-old woman who had been murdered and nearly decapitated in 1991.

In 2012, Douglas admitted to having sex with two more corpses. In the case of another murder victim, Douglas said he had sex with her corpse the day she was killed.

US Navy Dismisses African-American Woman For Refusing To Cut Her Natural Hair

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This week, the Navy announced that it was discharging Jessica Sims, who been a sailor for 12-years, for “failing to obey an order to cut off her natural hairstyle.”

The military has been under scrutiny for guidelines issued in March that critics believe were discriminatory toward African-American women. Those regulations;

“specifically forbid several hairstyles popular for black women who keep their hair natural, including twists, headbands, dreadlocks, or multiple braids that are larger than a quarter-inch.” 

A former U.S. Army Major sharply criticized the regulations, noting they targeted “natural styles African American service women have been wearing for years.”

Hospital Where Patrick Sawyer Was Treated And Died Releases Statement

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Photo of First Consultant Hospital, Obalende, Lagos
Photo of First Consultant Hospital Obalende

A statement written by Dr. B.N. Ohiaeri and  Dr. Ameyo Adadevoh before her death, has explained the timelines of Patrick Sawyer arriving at the First Consultant Hospital and his death by Ebola. The Index case in Nigeria was first diagnosed with malaria upon his arrival on the night of July 20 before he subsequently began to manisfest symptoms of the deadly virus.

Read the full statement by the hospital below...

In the interest of our patients, staff, the general public the nation at large we state the following:

A 40-years old gentlemen came into the hospital with symptoms suggestive of Malaria (fever, headache, extreme weakness) on Sunday night (20th July 2014). He was fully conscious and gave us his clinical history and told us he is a Senior Diplomat from Liberia. Laboratory investigations confirmed malaria whilst other test for HIV, Hepatitis B&C were negative. He was admitted and treatment commenced.

Idris Elba Marries Naiyana Garth In Secret

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Idris Elba may be officially off the market, because according to new reports, the hot actor may have secretly married Naiyana Garth last month in the UK.

Make-up artist Naiyana Garth is the mother of Idris Elba's baby son Winston, whom the couple welcomed back in April this year [see picture].

Idris Elba also has an 11year old daughter, Isan from his ex-wife Dormowa Sherman.

Bigger Weddings And Fewer Premarital Partners Could Lead To Better Quality Marriages

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Bigger and more formal weddings can predict happier marriages, a US study has found, with clear results showing that couples who had larger ceremonies had higher-quality marriages.

They believe that marrying in front of a large number of people demonstrates greater commitment to the union while also discouraging divorce. Said lead author Dr Galena Rhoades;

“There is some reason to believe that having more witnesses at a wedding may actually strengthen marital quality. We try to keep our present attitudes and behaviours in line with our past conduct. The desire for consistency is likely enhanced by public expressions of intention.

“Weddings may foster support for the new marriage from within a couple’s network of friends and family. Those who hold a formal wedding are likely to have stronger social networks in the first place.”

Reading 50 Shades Linked To Abusive Relationships, Binge Drinking And Eating Disorders

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A university professor has posited in a study that young women who read the "50 Shades" books are more likely than nonreaders to exhibit signs of eating disorders and have a verbally abusive partner.

The study, which appears in the Journal of Women’s Health, is one of the first to investigate the relationship between health risks and reading popular fiction depicting violence against women. The study's lead investigator is Amy Bonomi of the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. She says;

“We recognize that the depiction of violence against women in and of itself is not problematic, especially if the depiction attempts to shed serious light on the problem. The problem comes when the depiction reinforces the acceptance of the status quo, rather than challenging it.”

The study states also that women who read all three books in the “Fifty Shades” erotic romance series are at increased risk of engaging in binge drinking and having multiple sex partners.

Mom Gives Her Daughter Tapeworm Pills To Make Her Lose Weight For Beauty Contest

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The story of a Florida pageant mom who fed her teenage daughter tapeworm eggs to help her lose weight for an upcoming beauty competition is narrated by a disgusted nurse in an upcoming episode of Discovery's “Untold Stories of the ER.”

When the girl arrived at the hospital with a bloated stomach and severe pain, the nurses first thought she might be pregnant. An ultrasound didn’t show a baby, but it did show a bizarre growth in her intestines, and a trip to the bathroom revealed a toilet bowl full of wriggly tapeworms.

Nurse Maricar Cabral-Osorio told UPI, “some of the worms were very long and wiggling around trying to get out of the toilet bowl.” The girl’s mother turned white as a sheet with guilt written all over her.