Friday, November 21, 2014

‪#‎ThanksMichelleObama‬ - Students Unhappy With Healthy School Lunches Or Political Gimmicks?

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#ThanksMichelleObama is the sarcastic hashtag that young students are using to set Twitter on fire as they blame first lady Michelle Obama for their school lunches might obey new food regulations she championed, but which they say looks bad and tastes worse.

First lady Michelle Obama has made one of her personal campaigns that of getting childhood obesity down using healthy eating as an option. The other avenue is getting children to move more by being more physically active. But it all starts with what goes in the mouth so the first lady has worked with those in education to get the food served in schools healthier.

But the children seem not to be liking their modified menus for their school lunches. Those old enough to tweet are speaking out on social media and calling their food all manner of awful.

Scolding Dad Can't Stop Laughing After Sons Cover Themselves In Paint - Watch

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These are the fun parts of being a parent that make me look forward to being one. This viral video is of a dad who starts off annoyed as he scolds his sons for covering themselves in paint. But I guess the look on their painted faces as they realize they're in trouble just got to him in the end and he couldn't stop himself from laughing at them. They even join him at some point.

The dad starts by asking, "Who's idea was this? Did you think this was a good idea?", and along the line, one of the boys ask if they have paint in their hair. That was when dad couldn't keep it together anymore. But they still get their punishment, though :)

Emmanuel Adebayor Allegedly Abandons Mother Because She's A Witch And Uses Juju

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Emmauel Adebayor is an international football star who plays for his home country Togo as well as Tottenham in the UK. Various reports say he has ejected his mother madam Alice Adebayor from the US$ 1.5million home he bought for the family, because he believes she's a witch and wants nothing positive for him. He is also allegedly cut off from the rest of his siblings and family who he accused of doing rituals to stop his progress.

While Adebayor denies most of these stories as rumors, he admits that all is not well with his family. He accused them of using "Juju" against him, to impede his high-flying football career. He is not happy that they are speaking to the press.

When Marriage Stops Being A Fairytale

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Many people go into marriage with the misconception that it is going to be a bed of roses. They've watched the movies, read the books, and heard about those great love affairs that withstand the test of time. However, reality paints a different picture.

Real life and real marriages are not that simple. If a relationship is going to last, it's going to take a lot of hard work. It means getting up every day and staying committed to the person by your side. It's about compromise and accepting the flaws of the one you love the most.

Tina Knowles Explains Solange's Wedding Allergy And How Beyonce Saved The Day

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Solange's wedding reception was almost cancelled when the beautiful bride broke out in an allergic reaction soon after the ceremony. Hers and Beyonce's mum, Tina Knowles has now explained what caused the painful hives and how big sister Beyonce saved the day.

Speaking with Entertainment Tonight, Tina also shared more gist about Solange's special day, the inspiration, the adult only wedding reception after party and more.

Couple Love - Marc Anthony and New Wife Shannon de Lima At Latin Grammys

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Marc Anthony got married earlier this month to 26-year-old Venezuelan model, Shannon de Lima, who is 20 years younger than him.

Marc Anthony and Shannon got married on November 12th in the Dominican Republic after dating for less than a year. They made their first red carpet appearance as a married couple at the Latin Grammy Awards in Las Vegas last night. More pictures below...

Romeo And Juliet - Woman Steps In Front of Train Shortly After Boyfriends Kills Self Same Way

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20-year-old Becky Tait, reportedly killed herself a couple of weeks ago by stepping in front of a moving train. Becky Tait took her own life two months after her 19 year old boyfriend, Phil James, committed suicide in a similar way.

Becky was said to be inconsolable after Phil passed away and decided she could not continue without him. Sounds like a real-life Romeo and Juliet, but it's so sad. See photos of the two below...

Husband Divorces Wife After New Whatsapp Shows She Read And Ignored His Messages

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A Saudi husband has reportedly divorced his wife after she failed to reply to a WhatsApp text message he sent to her. The couple have been married for two years, and the man sent the message from his office and waited for a response from his wife. But none came.

Thinking something must be wrong, he rushed home to find her watching television. When he asked her why she did not respond, she said she was busy chatting with friends on WhatsApp and wanted to reply later. He divorced her instantly, the report added.

Thread, This Wordweaver Must : A Collection of Poems By Ayokunle Falomo

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Ayokunle Falomo is the author of Thread, This Wordweaver Must : A Collection of Poems. He started writing when he was about six. Ayokunle says it began with writing short stories, at times adapting stories of authors he enjoyed reading.

Later, starting from about age 9, he was writing and directing plays for the children department of the church he attended then. With the publication of his first book, a collection of poems, that word weaving has only begun to bear fruit. RML caught up with him for an exclusive interview which you can read below...

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Soulmates Married For 65 Years Die 10 Minutes Apart

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‘Soulmates’ married for 65 years die just 10 minutes apart, an elderly couple whose relatives said they “would not have wanted to live without each other” died just minutes apart earlier this month. Earlier this month, 88-year-old Harry Stevenson and his wife, Mavis, 89, died just 10 minutes apart while at the care facility where they both lived and shared a room together.

Workers at the facility said Mavis took a turn for the worse and passed away at 10:50 a.m. on November 3. Nurses told Harry in the most caring way they could his beloved had died. They said he shed a few tears before they left the room, but when they came back 10 minutes later, they found Harry had passed away himself.