Monday, January 19, 2015

Tiwa and TeeBillz, 2Face and Annie and AY and Mabel Do Couples Date Night

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Tiwa Savage and Teebillz are growing their married friends circle and among their closest are 2face and Annie Idibia and AY  and Mabel Makun. The three couples went on a movie date last night in Lagos to see 30 Days in Atlanta. Tiwa looks so cute :)

Ibinabo Fiberisima Says Muna Obiekwe Was Not Abandoned But On Actor's Health Plan

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As grief and mourning for actor Muna Obiekwe sweeps across the Nollywood fandom inside Nigeria and in diaspora, read here, a few people are not happy that the lack of funds to sustain his dialysis treatment may have contributed to the untimely death. In reaction to a tribute to the late Muna Obiekwe posted on facebook by Actors Guild President, Ibinabo Fiberesima, some fans called her out for abandoning him while he was sick. She denied the claims, saying;

We never ignore our members. If we are informed of a situation we take action. We never neglect anyone. We have an active insurance plan . We have begged our members and still begging them to revalidate their membership and join the health plan. Their is only so much anyone can do. Muna was revalidated and on d health plan..

See the tribute below...

Actor Muna Obiekwe Confirmed Dead - So SAD!

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I didn't blog for most of yesterday so I'm just seeing this news. OMG! This is so sad and shocking that another Nollywood actor has passed on. Muna Obiekwe was one of Nollywood's most favorite actors and his friends Mike Ezuruonye and Empress Njamah were the first to report the news of his death on social media yesterday.

There was some confusion as a fake Twitter account tried to deny the news, but it has now been confirmed by his close family and the Actor's Guild of Nigeria. May his soul rest in peace. Amen.

Amber Rose Poses In Response To Wiz Khalifa's Tweets

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Amber Rose is currently in Miami for work and rest and has been sharing loads of sexy photos on her social media. After mutual fans called out her ex-husband Wiz Khalifa for leaving her, he shared a series of tweets, saying he was no role model and has no reason to stay in an unhappy marriage to satisfy his fans.

He acknowledged that Amber Rose was very fine, but suggested she had her issues and was the one who pushed him out of her life. He also posted a photo with a supermodel Jordan Dunn, saying "Found her" and indicating he's completely moved on. But that is not stopping Amber. Read the tweets and more photos she shared below...

Why Men Want Sex In The Morning and Women at Night – Study

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A recent study notes that a man’s level of sex hormones is at the highest when he wakes up while a woman’s is at the lowest and this explains the difference in when both genders want sex. Notably, higher testosterone levels equals higher sex drive. Even though both men and women have testosterone, it is more present in men, known as the sex drive or male hormone.

One of the researchers, Ashley Grossman, a professor of neuroendocrinology at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, said even before a man opens his eyes in the morning, his level of testosterone is at its peak – between 25 per cent and 50 per cent – more than at any other time of the day.

He explained that the pituitary gland in a man’s brain – which governs the production of the male sex hormone – has been switched on in the night and its levels have been rising steadily until dawn.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

5 Reasons You'll Remain in the Friend Zone

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by Doyin Jaiyesimi

Hey there! I appreciate the fact that you consider me to be worthy of your toasting. Really I do. We’ve been on this for over six months now. I don’t know whether the fact that your moves haven’t brought much progress bothers you at all. I’m bothered for you because you keep doing all the wrong things. I’m sure you thought I was just fronting. No sir. In fact, let me just tell you now. As long as you continue to do the things I am about to list, you will remain in the friend zone. Forever.

Sex Is Worth Waiting For - Nikki Laoye

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Nikki Laoye, an award winning Nigerian gospel singer, has revealed in a recent interview that both she and her husband got married as virgins. She said that contrary to popular belief that virgins have boring marriages and are clueless when it comes to making love, she said she knew what she was doing the first time they had sex because she had learnt a lot about sex education. She said:

“My husband was not surprised that I was a virgin when we got married because he was also a virgin. Even though I was a virgin when I got married, I had equipped myself with information on sex education. I preach to Christian ladies that they should not think that because they are virgins, they should not find out how to get things done because when they get there, they have work to do. It has been fun and an adventure for us because we are finding out things about ourselves.”

Facts about El Nino and the Many Ways To Prepare For Attendant Flooding Or Draught

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The El Nino, also formally known as the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, is a weather pattern which usually happens once every 3 to 7 years. Its main characteristic is the warming of the waters of the eastern section of the Pacific Ocean. This results in floods and droughts in different parts of the world, which, in turn, causes extensive damage to lives and property.

In the northern part of the world, the areas most vulnerable to the effects of this phenomenon are Mexico and the  United States of America. The north-eastern and north-western parts of the US will often have mild winters while cooler and wetter winters will be experienced by parts of the south-eastern US, Virginia, and a few places in northern Mexico.

Delay Is Not Denial - Woman Marries At 43, Has Her First Child At 60

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Paul and Tunrayo Alagbe were married on September 3, 1998 and had their first child on December 29, 2014. RITA OKONOBOH chronicles the couple’s journey through the years of trials to the unfolding of boundless blessings.

I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him (Psalm 40: 1-3).

Saturday, January 17, 2015

18-Year-Old Loses Virginity To Father, Now Plans To Marry Him And Have His Children

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An anonymous woman has described dating her biological father for almost two years since they were reunited after 12 years of being apart. She explains how the two were separated when she was 5, met again on Facebook, and the beginning of their romantic relationship. She reveals that he is the first man she had sex with as she met him while she was still a virgin.

She also says they intend to continue and hope to have children together, irrespective of the risks to children born of incest. Supposedly, adult incest is not illegal in some states of the US and New Jersey, where they intend to move to, is one of them. Read the disturbing interview, excerpts below...