Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Importance Of Work-Life Balance And How Women Can Achieve It

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If you’re one of the millions of women who bring their work home with them day after day, spend long hours at the office, and forget to practice self-care because you’re so busy, you’ve probably got a tension headache as you’re reading this. Add children and household chores to the mix, and it might seem like the work never stops. Sit back from the computer for a minute, take a deep breath, rub your temples, close your eyes, and ignore the ginormous pile of laundry in the background. Imagine a world where stress is only an occasional thing.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Miss to Mrs – A Guide to Changing Your Name After Marriage

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Changing your name once you’re married is a personal choice. It may no longer be expected, but many women do still choose to have the same surname as their partner, whether this be by taking their partner’s name directly or by using a combination of both surnames. Either way, any change of name brings with it legal requirements.

Monday, November 13, 2017

5 Interesting, but Unusual First-Date Ideas

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Caution: if you are a person who would prefer to invite his girlfriend-to-be to the cinema or restaurant at the first date, we are sorry to inform you that this article is not tailored to your preferences, you rather stop reading. In contrast, in case you are a person who enjoys skipping the beaten track, we highly recommend you to read on!

The first date plays an important role in any person's life as it is the moment when you shape a general impression on the person and possibly determine the fate of your further relationship. Thus, in the light of defining the motto of this romantic day as "all or nothing", the importance of organizing an original and memorable appointment comes to fore.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Jewelry For Bridal - How to Understand the Number of Carats in Gold Jewelry

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Everyone knows that gold jewelry is often described in terms of a number of carats but they don't know what this actually means. It is simply understood that the higher the number of carats the gold in a piece of gold jewelry has, the better quality is. The fact about carats is that they indicate the actual gold content of the jewelry. The higher the number is, the greater the actual amount of gold there is in that particular piece of gold jewelry.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

8 Healthy LunchBox Snacks for Hungry Children

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When it comes to packed lunches, it’s important to choose foods, which will fill up and fuel your child and ensure they have the energy and concentration levels to get the most out of their afternoons at school. Kids often ask for treats, which are not always the healthiest options and it can be a battle trying to get them to eat healthy foods, but there are plenty of tasty alternatives to junk food, which are suitable for lunchboxes and snacks when they get back from school claiming that they’re absolutely starving! Here are 8 ideas for healthy lunchbox snacks:

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Getting Back Together with an Ex

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We’ve all heard the stories about past lovers finding each other again, rekindling the romance, and living happily ever after. Believe it or not, it can happen. Unfortunately, that’s not the norm.

Getting over a failed relationship can be hard. It can be even more challenging if you were certain you had met the person you were meant to spend the rest of your life with. So if you meet again, should you try to fix things? Can you become one of those stories you’ve read about? Before you jump in head-first, here are a few things you should consider when thinking about getting back with an ex.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Planning The Perfect Proposal? Look To The Celebs

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Proposals are some of the biggest events in our lives, and planning one can be extremely stressful: have you got the right location? Do you know what you’re saying? Is it the right time to pull this move? And most importantly, will the other person say yes? Well, when it comes to putting the first few worries to bed, there’s a few inspirational moves we can make. Check some of those trashy magazines we love so much, and then put your plan into motion; you know what your partner will love! Here’s some ideas to get you started on having the wedding of a lifetime.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Call a Doctor Immediately You See These 5 Bad Signs of Your Baby's Colds

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My baby keeps on sneezing, and I am getting worried. She finds it hard to breathe so I asked my friends what to do when my baby has nasal congestion. They say to try your best in making your baby sneeze and do it the right way. I agree with them since it helps decongest my baby’s nose. But, I am bothered that her condition may be more than a typical congestion.

When is the right time to call a doctor when babies have colds? I want to know the signs, so I am sure that I am not overreacting or becoming negligent of my baby.

These 10 Foods are Terrible for Your Child's Body - Infographic

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It's a common complaint that kids these days just aren't going outside and getting enough exercise. While that's true (largely in part to their growing tablet addictions), parents also play an immensely important role in their child's health. The food that you pack in their lunch bags or put on their dinner plates is becoming increasingly important to fighting the obesity epidemic among children.

Here's an infographic (courtesy of with 10 foods that parents should seriously reconsider serving their children, along with some helpful alternatives:

Monday, October 30, 2017

5 Delicious Meals You Can Prepare with Homegrown Vegetables

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Having a garden is good for many reasons beyond its aesthetic value. For one, it provides a cool place for you to relax. Second, plants and trees prevent soil erosion while naturally taking in rainwater. Still, perhaps one of the best things about having your own garden is the fact that you can have the freshest vegetables for your next meal. Here, we’ll look at tasty recipes that make great use of your homegrown vegetables.