Saturday, April 2, 2011

B is for Blogger gets a Makeover!

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Someone asked someday if I would move to another blogging platform as my blog grows bigger. I was insistent that blogger met most of my needs. Seeing this video makes me even surer that I won't be going anywhere, not unless there's no more blogger anyway. What with last years Template Designer upgrade, where I don't have to do anything HTML to get my blog looking the way I want, and the Comments and Stats inclusion as well.

The only thing left now is to overhaul their comment system so I can reply to individual comments, or easily reply via email. I was thinking of installing an outside app like Intense Debate or Disqus, but maybe that won't be necessary. Do watch the video and tell me what you think.

Sarah Gooding in her post at WPMU helpfully lists some of the new features mentioned in the video.

The ability to easily customize templates without any CSS knowledge
Access to real-time stats
Improved spam filtering
Continued stability (The Blogger service has had zero downtime, according to Pingdom)
Inclusion of web fonts
A sleek mobile experience of the platform
Smart content discovery
Integration of the Google Web Toolkit

Virginia Debolt in her post on BlogHer puts up some cool pictures about the coming changes in look and feel. I think a Blogger staff also commented on the post that they're doing something about the comments. Yippee!

To wrap up the post, allow me to show off with blogger. CLICK HERE. You can get the same effect by typing your own blog address in a browser and adding /view.


  1. the video won't play :o( I think I have a bad connection! Poo! Will come back!

  2. Facsinating video. Great fun to watch :O)

  3. i was trying to get my page to do the extremely cool view thingy...i couldn't :(

    i'm not leaving blogger anything soon either, they've grown over the years and keep getting better.

  4. i like blogger and have used wordpress in the past. My beef with blogger is with stats and comments, in that area wordpress is better.

  5. Hi Myne,

    I didn't think of B for blogger. I've seen that video. It made me so happy. I've also been told to move my blog which sends a little bit of panic through my body. So, when I looked at this wild, really full not padded video I knew Blogspot would always be my home. Thank goodness.

  6. Blogspot serves my needs perfectly, too! Thanks for sharing, and it's a pleasure to meet you via the A-Z Challenge.

  7. WEll that certainly verifies my desire to hang with Blogger...I think it's so convenient in comparison to other venues.
    Happy A to Z!!!

  8. I really do love the blogger video, it is rather interesting and it just makes me more excited for the new look and changes. Those wordpress guys don't know what they are missing.

  9. Informative video!
    Blogger all the way!

  10. Informative and fun; It is amazing to
    learn how much it has grown~
    Nice to meet you!

  11. OH MY WORD!

    I'm so excited I can bounce against walls. I can't wait for the updates to take effect.

    I'm especially happy to hear about the comments.

    Thanks for posting this. It made my day.


  12. Informative post that cements my enthusiasm for Blogger. Thanks for including the video, too.

  13. I like blogger too. it is very customizable and google is really working to improve it (well at least for the past couple of years).

  14. Wonderful "B" post! I will check back and maybe holler for help?

  15. Love the clip, wow has Blogger grown. Thanks for sharing.

  16. I love blogger! i'm so glad i'm not using wordpress. it's so bleh! :p

  17. Awesome clip. I, too, am happy to stay with blogger.

  18. Thanks everyone for all the comments!

  19. Looks like you have a lot of options with this design!

  20. I also really like Blogger. I haven't tried anything else, and my experience is limited (I haven't blogged for a full year quite yet), but I'm happy with it.

    I like the design of your blog. It's thoughtful, beautiful, and it's easy to access things.

    East for Green Eyes

  21. Wordpress was then; Same for Movable Type; Internet traffic is everything, not the platform or how beautiful the blog is. Blog for traffic. Blog for search engine robots. Blog for readers. Search engine optimised Blogger blogs rank higher on search engines than Movable Type or Wordpress blogs. But for now and for years to come, Google's Blogger will always dominate. Blogger is the best blogging platform. Its easy to use and if you've optimised your blog, submitted your Sitemap to Google Webmaster tool, and all the right search engines, as long as your posts are keyword rich and you post on a regular basis, your posts will always rank high on the search engines. Blog more; blog words, blog images, keyword title your images, accumulate 10,000+ keyword rich posts: the more you blog, the higher your posts are ranked. Simple. Short posts are best. Lenthy posts should only be made if its absolutely necessary. I see lengthy posts as wastage of content. I would break it down in to three or four and make 3 or 4 different posts out of it. The will ofcourse have different titles for the search engines, etc. Blogger has many features which a lot of people are yet to discover. Stick with Google’s blogger. If you use Disqus or any other commenting platform for your comments, you can moderate comments from your phone or ipad while you are out and about.

  22. Thanks for the overview! I can't wait to see the changes in store.

  23. Thanks, we didn't know all that! (and erica's techno-challenged, so if she can navigate Blogger, anyone can!)

  24. @E4PR, that was a very resourceful post, I've gleaned quite a bit of knowledge from there. Thanks for sharing.

  25. I tried word press and couldn't get to grips with it at all. I can't see your video as I'm at work and Utube is blocked so I'll have to check it out at home. Thanks for visiting my blog and nice to meet you.

  26. Hi ther Myna. Thanks for travelling along with me to Bangladesh. I'm with you on blogger, it's not perfect but I like it better than some others I tried. Go clunky blogger.

    I've followed along and will follow you on twitter too. (I'm pichetsinparis.)


    L'Aussie Travel A - Z Challenge Posts

  27. I let my websight creaters talk me into wordpress and I so miss how easy blogger was...
    Great Post!

  28. @Doreen, Wordpress has its uses as a site, but for blogging, blogger is much easier.

    @L'Aussie, Thanks for the follow, will find you too.

  29. Blogger is sooo easy. But i think wordpress lets you do so much more. I'm considering it oh

  30. It's the only host I've ever used so I can't compare much, but I'm very happy with Blogspot. After my frequent encounters with disqus and Intense Debate and what a hassle it is to comment sometimes I wouldn't recommend having those. I'm not sure what the advantage would be. Good luck with it.

    Contrary to my usual practice of subscribing to comments, to save time during challenge I will not be doing so during April. If you want to respond to my comment , please email me directly from your email notification for the comment.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge


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