Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Laser Tag: A Game of Bonding With Your Kids

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Although it is entertaining when you legitimately lose a game of Candyland to your three year-old, the excitement that you remember from childhood really comes alive when the older kids begin playing laser tag.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Guide on Ketosis Diet

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Have you been thinking of going Keto recently? You feel like you need to load up on fats and proteins. Okay, you are on the right track for deciding to keep your carb intake low. But, at times, you might be worried about what are the correct procedures to follow to get exactly what you want. All fats and proteins are not alike and besides, various vegetables are usually with higher carbohydrate levels than others. Worry no more as you have just landed on the right page.

Friday, March 16, 2018

6 Etiquette Rules for Texting Your Significant Other

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Today, people text each other to stay in touch, including couples in relationships. It's a convenient, fun way to pass the day and connect with each other. However, it can lead to disaster if the two of you don't observe the primary rules of texting etiquette.

Parenting Challenges You Have Ahead of You

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Parenting is one of the hardest jobs in the world, and there’s no manual that tells you how to do it right. You have to work that out for yourself as you go along. However, we can help you with more tips and details on some of the challenges that you have ahead of you. It’s best to understand which challenges every parent has to deal with at one time or other because that way you can prepare yourself.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

How to Help Your Kids to Succeed with their Studies

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Books, blogs and parenting websites are filled with tips on how to spend time with the kids to help with their studies. For most of us, we know this is easier said than done. With the busy lives we have, and the multiple functions we handle with respect to our different roles, it might be quite a difficult objective, trying to engage our kids in their studies.

From Wedding Invitations to Favors: How to Make Your Wedding Stand Out

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Everyone wants their wedding to be unique and memorable, but finding the best way to accomplish this is not always easy. While many people will look for elaborate ways to make sure that guests remember their wedding for years to come, there are actually a number of small things that you can do to help ensure that memories of your wedding will always bring joy. Best of all, quite a few of these basic methods of making your wedding stand out will cost quite a bit less than all of the work that will go into coming up with an elaborate wedding plan.

Monday, March 12, 2018

4 Reasons Why You Should Chase A Career In Education

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You have always imagined settling into your career seamlessly; excited to get up every morning and head into work for a busy and challenging day. It took you a little while to pinpoint where you wanted to get to in your career, but scoring your dream job would most certainly involve working in a college or school. Many people ask you why you would want to go back to school. Most of us used to spend our time wishing away the day at school, so why would you want to chase a career in education? Next time somebody asks you why, you can tell them the following pointers:

5 Ways to Improve Your Skin Naturally

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Your skin is the largest body organ. Just like other organs in your body, it requires proper care. Since it’s also the most delicate, it needs your attention to keep it healthy and looking good. You are what you eat and your skin is the best reflection of your diet. The kind of food you eat can either make your skin look youthful and supple or wrinkled and aged.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Is Your Husband Cheating on You?

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The thought of a cheating husband is every woman’s nightmare. There are some women that know their husband would never cheat on them but there are also many others that are insecure or may even have cause to believe they are being cheated on. If you feel that you are being taken for a ride by a cheating husband, it is only natural that you want to find out one way or the other.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Calm Confidence and Cool Composure: How To Bring Out Your Positive Persona

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You scroll through Instagram and gaze longingly at the abundance of beautiful women on your feed. They have perfectly perky bums, flawlessly made up faces and sleekly styled haircuts which you could only dream to have one day.