Monday, May 14, 2012

Expectations from Relationships - What are Yours?

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One thing I've come to realize as my marriage progresses is that relationships are all about expectations, even as they are about communication. A lot of us have very high expectations of relationships and even much more of marriages. These expectations follow us from childhood, and what we see our parents and other married couples do. We read them in books, watch them in movies and TV and play-act them in the little mummy and daddy drama we take part in with other children.

We also pick some up as adults as we begin to negotiate life on our terms and mix up with different kinds of individuals, at work and at play. When some of these expectations are picked up from broken relationships that are not properly healed, they are known as baggage. I read an excerpt from Timaya's interview in a magazine where he said,

“My bride must be very intelligent, outspoken, caring and loving. Her strongest quality is, she must be God-fearing. A woman that is God-fearing will not jump around and she will be submissive to her man. I’m not searching for a perfect woman. I’m not yet married because I haven’t found a God-fearing woman who will pamper me and our would-be children. A woman that cooks very well and who will stay my side in time of trials. A woman who loves me from the depth of her heart, in spite of my shortcomings.” [Source]

These are indeed some of the expectations we have of relationships, and the people we get into them with. Sometimes we're lucky and we meet the people who fit into our wishes up to an extent that we can live with, and all things being equal, and when there's mutual attraction and love, we get together either in short or long-term relationships. It is actually good to know what you want and expect from the person you want to enter a relationship. And as one gets older, we begin to add to those expectations that we prefer a long-term relationship, that is, marriage.

One thing to bear in mind though is that there are no guarantees in life. Also life is ever changing, and never static. Just as we keep growing and maturing as individuals, so also our expectations, new ones keep cropping up over time, and they can change too. So it is imperative to come to a relationship with a realistic and practical mindset. Are you looking for a perfect person, is that possible? And what about yourself, are you meeting up to expectations? Are you flexible and willing to adjust when new things materialize?

I remember that Atala and I did not go through much marriage counseling because we were living 6000miles apart. I attended the classes through my church back then and we would discuss them over the phone, email and webcam. The pastor gave me workbooks to help us to talk over things like how to address conflict, and what we wanted our marriage to look like. We certainly discussed these issues but not necessarily based on the workbooks, rather as and when the need came up.

But I don't think there was stuff about expectations, or maybe I was not paying enough attention. You see, some of the seminars were filled with pages and pages of stuff to do and because our relationship was going swimmingly, I often dumped them by the side. When we arrived Asaba for the wedding proper, my parent's priest who was to officiate the marriage planned a couple of meetings with us. He went over some of the same things with us, sprinkled with his own experiences of marriage.

One day, after we had gotten married and were living together, we had a disagreement. Atala asked me what kinds of expectations I really had of him. “I don’t have any expectations you don't already know,” I think I said then. I can't remember exactly what the topic was that we were disagreeing on, but my mindset was like, just be yourself. However, as we continued talking, it became clearer to me that I did have an expectation, maybe even several expectations.

When I had said I didn't have expectations, I meant the usual stuff. I didn't expect him to provide for me (which he actually does, bless him), I didn't expect him to take out the trash, I didn't expect him to be Mr DIY, I didn't expect him to fight for me, or any of those manly stuff. And we had talked about these before then and so I felt he shouldn't have asked as he already knew.

Let me provide some background. I am a pretty straight forward person. I don't know how to play games. My nose might be buried in a book or something and so I miss the little cues that others use in their little social strategies. If you don't spell things out, it may just go over my head. Yeah, I can be nerdy - read socially awkward - like that.

Fast forward to that day in the reality of my married life. I was upset over something Atala had done or hadn’t done. As our conversation continued, I realized how many expectations I had that I had not really thought would become an issue.

For instance, I had expected that we would eat dinner together. This was not something we had discussed prior to when I moved in, and it came as a rude shock that he would think of just dishing his food and eating in front of the TV or going back to the book he was reading. For me, meal times, especially dinner, are a time to sit around a table and talk about the day, bond and catch up on stuff.

So as we continued our conversation, we did the following;

- We discussed some of the expectations of mine and some of his and how they were affecting our relationship.
- We decided on ways we could integrate the expectations that would make us better, as individuals and as a couple.
- We also agreed to jettison some others that would not work for us.
- We planned that this would be an ongoing conversation. And they have remained so.

So what are your own expectations about relationships? Do you think they're realistic? Have they changed over time? Has any of your expectations come to bite you in the butt in a past or current relationship? How have you learnt to deal with them?


  1. hmm interesting topic. when we were attending counselling they asked my hubs and i to write out our expectations and exchange it. i remember my list being help out with house chores, discuss important decisions with me, have only three children irrespective of the sex mix, etc, and his was respect, stay physically attractive, etc.

    However, in three months of marriage , i have realized we had other expectations which we probably did not think about at that time.

    but along the line, we learn, adjust, etc. i think communication is the key, cuz it can be easy to be angry, or punish someone for not meeting an expectation the person did not even know you had!

    1. Communication, communication, communicati..., you get the idea, LOL..

  2. Hmmmmm,Myne,all i can tell you is that you should be very grateful to God for the kind of marriage you have.One where there's mutual respect and communication,where each person is trying to do his own part to make it work.

    The major expectation i have in a relationship is COMMUNICATION.In my opinion,it is a platform for so many other thing to be put in place.

    1. I am really grateful o, it's not by power. But shining one's eye before you go in is also not to be underestimated.

  3. Well said Myne, This is a good write up and I think if a lot of couples should have access to reading this as it would help so save relationships/marriages from break ups. Thumbs up!

  4. true...expectation in a marriage tends to evolve as we grow older.

    Therefore open communication is key so that when expectation changes the other person is aware...

    thanks for sharing..

  5. I love this! Like you said, we may spell out our expectations, but we only spell out the ones we are conscious of. Sometimes, we don't even know that we have certain expectations, until we get to that bridge and then have to cross it. Our only prayer is that we have a kind of relationship where good change and communication - among other things - is the order of the day.

    1. Vera graced my blog today! :0

      Thanks dearie.

  6. My comment is pretty much in line with everyone elses. We have expectations about everything, most of which we aren't conscious of until we find ourselves facing the situation and wonder why the other person didn't do what we wanted/expected. I don't even want to say that we are not conscious of them, so much as we see them as so normal that we can't fathom that someone else doesn't see it as normal as well. All of which is why honest an open communication is important to the success of any relationship whether it be romantic, platonic, or professional.

  7. i've had too many expectations in my relationships some were wayyyy to unrealistic lol.yes sometimes i tend to live in a dream world but am learning to base my relationship expectations on the simple things like trust and communication.

    1. You and me both :)

      As someone who writes romance novels for a living, I can get lost in fantasy sometimes, LOL...

  8. Hmm lovely write up..

    My expectations are mostly communication and trust...

    However, I have realized some of my expectations are unrealistic and selfish, its something I am working on..I believe so far, I am doing a good job..

    1. All the best to you dear, now is the time to work on yourself and find out what makes you tick.

  9. I agree we only spell out the expectations that we're conscious of and most of our expectations come from things around us. I know as I've grown I thought that a relationship would have to be this way or that way, but with age you realize these are things you have to work on.

  10. I think we both have expectations in my relationship and every day, they continue to unfold. I think I am conscious of my expectations of her and her of me, to some extent. I guess we're still getting to learn more about each other and we will continue to for sure.

    - LDP

    1. I wish you all the best in your relationship, I know you have your head screwed on right.

  11. When expectations are not known or shared, frustrations are sure to arise...thanks for this point Myne, some of us may think .."hey everyone should know this" but its amazing how so many people dont know this little fact.

    1. I shake my head at myself sometimes with the way I keep learning new stuff :)

  12. just as everyone has mentioned, COMMUNICATION is the key.... i have applied it in my present relationship and it makes it all easy...... we all have expectations and its an ever changing situation.....

    1. Always changing, so a lot of maturity is required.

  13. Wow, thanks so much for sharing this MYne. I learnt a couple of things to take with me. Communicating expectations goes a long way if both parties are willing to learn and let go of unrealistic expectations.

  14. Well, when i saw the blog title i had to ask myself again.. but the truth is i never had an expectation in my relationships. I grew up not expecting anything from anyone and try to give so much. I probably felt being with me was just enough, hence i hooked up with people that were lovely in their own way but totally wrong for me. Even though i walked in without an expectation, i soon get hurt by their actions, they not understanding me and feeling abused because my emotions was not in the kissing and stuffs.

    At this stage, i will say i have learn t to be my own woman and i will ove a good cerebral man, that can communicate his feelings and frustrations, love God.. read spirit filled, Loves me, from a great family ( am an orphan) and hardworking ( young and up mobile) and Tall! because i am almost 6ft in my socks ... Everything else is negotiable.

    1. Wow, you're tall :)

      I think you have your expectations realistically framed to your individual situation and I like that. Remember to talk to your boo always.

    2. Thanks Myne, I will when i find the right one, maybe i should use this opportunity to ask a question.

      I have been communicating with some guy for about 6 months, we live in different cities, he has almost all the qualities i listed above and is 6'3:), The truth is i have come to like him a lot and i think it is hurting me now. While he calls, send me mails, wld run errands for me ( online), send romantic songs and all that, he is yet to ask me out. he says he is scared of women and doesnt want to commit until he is sure he is being led to marry this person. I found out there is someone he likes a lot, she lives in another country and he is not denying it...and i told him to stop sending me those messages, seems like am being used as an emotional crutches, but he says it is not as straight forward as that. I have stopped communicating with him but he still likes to keep in touch. What do i do? I like him but if he likes someone else, no big deal, but i feel he is one of those confused folks that will never get to make-up their minds. Please advice

  15. this is a very interesting topic cos i do tha a lot,i expect him to do this,to say that,to behave like this ,should have done this and i was actually fustrating him,so it just the best not to expect to much and if you do then talk about it,,,its a very delicate issue tha if not handled properly can turn one into a nagging person

    1. True talk, it all comes down again to how one communicates.

  16. These expectations and communications issue is an on-going process throughout d marriage. With each year, each growth, each phase in our marriage, husband and I renegotiate.

    Some of these re negotiations goes smoothly. I speak, he speaks, and we reach a compromise. Some are heated, and continue to rear dir ugly heads every 5 seconds (i.e. My husband's expectations dat i'd hve meals 4 him on d table everytime, me wondering expecting him to go into dat kitchen and learn how to cook!).

    I think this is what makes marriage interesting. Cos with each clashed expectations, we are reassured of our love n commitment 2 each other.

    1. It certainly makes things interesting, unless marriage might just get boring As for cooking :)

  17. TnXx Myne for the write up. In my present relationship,we told ourselves wt we are expecting and it was fun. Bt outsdide communication, the second vital aspect is trust! Which is the problem am xperiencing presently. I think communication and trust go handy cos they might be effective communication bt most of d things he tells you are Lies mostly when he lives mails away to that,you wunt hv to trust him anymore rather get somone else. Thank you.

    1. Hi Binna, thanks for reading. You're right, trust is another issue, though I think that is a more personal thing. Maybe I'll write another post on that.

  18. Myne this is a very delicate issue. I am somebody that always outlines few of my expectations in relationship. One of my major expectation is faithfulness, and i can never compromise it. I splitted up with my ex hubby because of betrayal of this sort. We both shared this faithfulness as one of our major expectations but i use to see the signs that the guy will not keep up to this expectation. I letter found out that there was two reasons why he shared this expectation with me , one was that he is a selfish being. He wouldnt want another man to have me but he can try it (adultery) and expect me to forgive him but if i try it, he will divorce me. Two was that he was in lust/love with me as of them, so him trying to maintain the same expectation with me will make it look as if we are compatible. I was so naive to see the signs of his dishonesty. Am now out of the marriage. I wanted to give up all hope on this expectation with going in , knowing fully well that i will be cheated on and keeping two or three lovers (cheating) to be happy but my mum discouraged me by telling me that "not all men cheat". She told me not to relent or compromise this major expectation by getting married and keeping boy friends .she advised me to look up to God, who will surely grant me my heart desire. Thank God that am still beautiful and elegant. I will wait upon the lord until he smiles on me.

    1. I think the fact that you both agreed to be faithful and he went on to cheat on you is a deal breaker. I hope everything works out for you.


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