Monday, February 11, 2013

Men Spend More For Valentine's Day Than Women

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The telegraph UK used the title, "Men are more romantic than women" to discuss the results of a consumer poll which wanted to know the spending habits of both men and women for Valentine's Day. I'm not surprised that it turned out that more men spend loads more money and go the extra mile in choosing gifts than women, after all, that's the way it has been commercialized. Using that to say men are more romantic than women may be stretching it.

Just days before the most romantic day of the year, it emerged that women are 50 per cent more likely to ignore the event altogether. Figures also show that more women are also more likely to mark the day with nothing more than a card, shunning any extravagant show of affection. The disclosure was made in a survey of around 2,000 men and women by the researchers Consumer Intelligence in the run up to Valentine’s Day on February 14.

The poll found that around 21.5 per cent of women said they would do nothing to celebrate, compared with just 14.5 per cent of men. It emerged that more than a quarter of women relied on sending a card – up from 16 per cent of men.

In all, it was revealed that men were considerably more likely to make an effort – and spend money – on their partners than women. Researchers said they were more likely to buy flowers, provide chocolates, arrange a candlelit dinner at a restaurant, book a weekend away buy theatre tickets and splash out on champagne or jewellery.


For those who read this blog, I also have some questions;

- who spends more on Valentine's Day, you or your partner?

- Have you settled on what you'll do for yourself or your partner?

- Do you have expectations from your partner on what he has to do for you?


  1. I do agree with the survey but i will say few women do go out of their way too in extravagance terms so i guess only the number in variation to sex makes the survey right.

  2. I agree that Men spend more... but women pay in KIND *wink*

  3. Spending more money for Valentine doesnt equate being more romantic. There might be truth in the survey but I don't agree men are more romantic than women. Romance is an emotional attachment or involvement between two people, where society tends towards the man showing that attachment for just one day, women show it the rest of the days of the year more.

  4. Some men are more romantic, but they don't even have to spend that much.


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