Friday, August 30, 2013

Daddy Time - Tuface and his Daughter, Isabel

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Tuface spending time with Isabel, his daughter with Annie Idibia. When it comes to wrestling with the kids, daddy always loses. Don't you just love the faces they're making? LOL...


  1. But this pic s bery old, very old story please get away from here you dnt deserve to be blogging fool

    1. Are you serious? Sorry for your bad day, but this is not the blog for breaking news OK?

    2. matured way you handled that comment myne, its amazing how people are just quick to throw around abusive words these days

    3. Myne, that first remark didn't deserve a reply... She(cos am sure its ur fellow woman) is a hater. ignore her ilk pls.. they have nothing at all to offer society hence the hate..

    4. Myne thanks for your answer. Chinyere pls that needed an answer.

  2. @ anonymous 9:11 pls what has myne done to you that you would call her a fool? You must have had a bad day or you are a really messed up individual pls get help ok

  3. She didn't put a timeline of wen d picture ws taken nd take our ur frustration somewia nd stay off blogs.

  4. Obviously dat wz his first time on ds blog. Thumbs up Myne

    1. am sure its a lady cos women are their fellow women's worst enemies...

  5. Some comments are better off ignored. Haba! What happens to people like us who is seeing it for the first time? I don't get your anger 9:11.


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