Saturday, April 26, 2014

House Wife or Home Manager - The Work and Status of Stay at Home Mothers

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The term here in the United States is Stay at Home Mother but the title more common in Nigeria is housewife. This denotes any married woman that chooses or happens to not have a career outside the home or not at all.
In her latest vlog, Stella Damasus addresses a stay-at-home woman who had an agreement with her husband soon after marriage not to pursue a career but to stay at home and take care of the kids. Now, after six years she wants to renege on the agreement and go back to work because of some disrespectful remarks she has been receiving from others about being a housewife.

Her husband is not happy she wants to  pursue a career and it is causing some quarells with the husband. She wants Stella to back her or encourage her, but Stella Damasus feels building your esteem as a housewife by calling yourself a different name should suffice. Especially if she had earlier made the arrangement with the husband to manage the home.

I think I agree with Stella, but I may be biased. What do you say?

1 comment:

  1. I cannot watch the video because I've got limited data, and my knowledge on marital matters are just as limited as my data. But my thinking is that as one gets older one's choices, wants, needs, goals, desires tend to change and as such room should be created for that.
    In the case of this woman I do not support her decision if it's based solely on how she thinks others perceive her @ the insults etc. that is not enough reason to renege on an agreement with your spouse.
    But if she feels she will derive more satisfaction and fulfillment from going out there and pursuing her dreams then I think husband should be in full support of this.


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