Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Navigating Online Boutiques for Millennial Moms

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When it comes to motherhood, finding time for ourselves can be difficult, if not downright impossible. Shopping with children, especially toddlers, is another beast entirely.
To young children, the world is their playground – literally. Store shelves become jungle gyms and clothes racks become dark caves to hide in. This can make clothes shopping, or any other shopping for that matter, an especially challenging experience.
This means that now, more than ever, moms are turning to online shopping to get the job done. They’re navigating across various devices like their tablets and smartphones - while also multitasking at work at home.
Online boutiques are rising to the trend of online shopping, making it easier for young moms to find the clothes they need quickly and efficiently – and without having to drag the whole family into a retail store.
However, not all online boutiques are created alike. Here are some key points to consider when assessing whether an online clothing boutique really cares about your business.
Is the advice they give on social media relevant to your life?
Take some time to follow their accounts. Do they regularly post advice and infographics that are helpful and relevant to your needs? If so, then they are probably a keeper.
Businesses that take the time to show that they understand their customers are more likely to create the products you need - and back up their products with impeccable customer service aftercare.
Do they listen to their customers?
If customers are looking for a certain kind of product or service, do they provide it? Do they make changes to their offerings to reflect what their clients want and need?
If a boutique is consistently on trend and expanding its product offerings in relation to customer demands this is a great sign that they care about their brand and customers. You can count on them to go the extra mile to provide you and your family what you need.
Is the website easy to access across all devices?
This is an important one because most women don’t have time to complete a transaction in one go. Moms are always on the move and they need to know that the items in their cart will still be there when they get back and are ready to buy.
If you find that your cart items disappear from laptop to tablet to phone – it’s better to look elsewhere for your go-to shopping needs.
Is the site easy to search and navigate?
Some sites make it hard for potential customers to get around. Strange categories and incorrectly titled or tagged items can make finding what you need difficult.
Some sites may also spin you back around to the “front door” or homepage of the site after adding things to your cart. Beware of such sites, they will suck away your time faster than a toddler tantrum at Chuck E. Cheese's and leave you struggling to get back to wherever you were before they dumped you back at the beginning.

Shopping online can be a great way to miss the meltdowns and multitask from home or work – when done right. Keep these tips in mind as you shop and steer clear of sites that treat you like just a number. Look instead for boutiques who value you as a loyal return customer: one whose feedback and opinions they seek out and trust.

Author Bio:
Judy Robinson is an enthusiastic blogger who spends her entire day writing quality blogs. She is a passionate reader and loves to share quality content prevalent on the web with her friends and followers. Her forte is Fashion, Fitness and lifestyle, keeping a keen eye on latest trends in those industries. Currently she is associated with Lotus Boutique, an online clothing boutique for their blog operations. For more updates follow her on Twitter @judyrobinson

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