Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sarah Palin to PETA - My Son Didn't Eat A Dog, But Obama Did

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Sarah Palin got into a bit of hot water when she posted photos of her six year old son Trig, who has Down's Syndrome, stepping on the family dog to reach the kitchen sink. She had captioned the photos; "May 2015 see every stumbling block turned into a stepping stone on the path forward."

PETA took issue and criticized photos saying that Palin had "no apparent sympathy for the dog" and that the organization "along with everyone else, is used to the hard-hearted, seeming obliviousness of this bizarrely callous woman."

Now, the former Republican VP candidate has written a long post on her Facebook page defending her son and excoriating PETA for being hypocrites.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

CIA #TortureReport - Detainees Waterboarded, Fed Anally, Dragged Naked, Sleep Deprived

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A report released today by Democrats on the Senate intelligence committee has revealed how extreme were the enhanced interrogation techniques by the CIA. Dubbed the #torturereport by many on social media, the interrogation program drew outrage and condemnation across party lines.

The report states that at least one detainee died in an unheated cell. Another tried to chew off his arm from the elbow as well as cutting several veins in his arms and legs. Many suffered hallucinations, paranoia and showed other forms of psychosis.