Monday, June 15, 2020

The Difference between an Engagement and a Promise Ring

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If you are not a jeweler, there is a chance that you do not know the difference between an engagement ring and a promise ring. Even though their purposes are different, these rings look quite similar. When it comes to what they signify, engagement rings are given as a sign of commitment to marriage, while the use of promise rings  have a wider spectrum. These unique rings symbolize a special kind of commitment that a couple can define within the confines of their relationship. When a spouse gives you an engagement ring, it means that action plan to wed you.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Creative Ways To Propose To Your Girlfriend

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Everyone wants to make their special moments in life very memorable. Asking your girlfriend to marry you is a very special moment for you and your partner as well. It is a moment that you will remember even when you get old and it is a story that you will tell your grandchildren. You should think of ways that are unique to propose to your girlfriend. In this article, some ideas are discussed that are unique to propose to your girlfriend.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

5 Proposal Ideas for Introvert Couples

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Introverted people don’t normally plan out an elaborate public proposal. If you and your partner are introverted, then you may have a more modest idea for a proposal in your head. Proposals don’t have to be loud and extravagant to be special, that’s something that many introverted couples tend to agree on. There are ways to make the moment intimate or romantic without being over-the-top.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Did You Know That Titanium Rings are Perfect For Sensitive Skin?

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The Problem With Allergies

The most common in a woman’s world are allergies through jewelry. If we want our jewelry to not cause rashes and allergies on every surface it touches on our body then it is important to know which material you are allergic to. So that you can avoid buying that material altogether. Women often get stumped in this scenario i.e. what on earth should they wear then? If they are allergic to gold, silver, steel, and other metals then which type of jewelry metal can we actually wear without fear?

Friday, September 27, 2019

4 Rules Associated With Finger Rings That Men Should Know

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How can you tell whether a person is married or not? The answer is simple. You only look at their left hand and the ring finger to understand if they are married or engaged. This is the immense power associated with this particular circular object. A finger ring is capable of informing the world about you, as stated by

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Find the Ideal Engagement or Wedding Ring for That Special Someone

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You’ve decided that you’re ready to spend the rest of your life with your significant other. Despite the challenges you’ve faced through the years, the good times are so great that you can’t imagine yourself with anyone else. Congratulations on finding true love! It is the best feeling you’ll ever have and, when you’ve found the right one, it lasts forever. Of course, whether you’re thinking of popping the question or have recently accepted a marriage proposal, you’ll need to get the right ring.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Love and Laugh in Engagement Interview [Watch]

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The latest royal couple Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their engagement to the public yesterday and the internet is still going gaga and gooey at the knees. They also gave an on-screen interview to the BBC, describing their relationship - how they met, how they kept their long distance love going and a secret for 6 months, and what has kept their relationship strong up to this point. See the full interview, a clip of the BTS, and more photos from their engagement announcement below.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Planning The Perfect Proposal? Look To The Celebs

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Proposals are some of the biggest events in our lives, and planning one can be extremely stressful: have you got the right location? Do you know what you’re saying? Is it the right time to pull this move? And most importantly, will the other person say yes? Well, when it comes to putting the first few worries to bed, there’s a few inspirational moves we can make. Check some of those trashy magazines we love so much, and then put your plan into motion; you know what your partner will love! Here’s some ideas to get you started on having the wedding of a lifetime.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Should You Rehearse The Proposal As Much As The Wedding?

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The idea of rehearsing your future proposal might fill you with horror. After all, it’s supposed to be overwhelmingly romantic and beautifully spontaneous, right? Yeah… in the movies! In real life, marriage is a huge deal that takes a lot of consideration. And how can you truly know if you’re ready for it without discussing the details with your other half? And, of course, if you’ve been discussing the practicalities of marriage, no proposal is going to be spontaneous.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Ultimate Guide to Surprising Her with an Engagement Ring

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Life has its memorable moments. When you reminisce over the past years, you realize that you have had your fair share. Perhaps the best of them all is when you have met and fallen in love with someone. After months of going out on coffee dates, watching movies together and chatting on a park’s bench, your heart tells you she is the right one.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Understanding Ring Size For The Guys – Infographic

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Getting engaged is such a momentous life occasion and one that forever sticks in the mind of those involved. Some couples discuss the engagement in the lead up while others like to surprise the other; it really depends on the couple. If a surprise is the goal, that means slightly more effort but it’s all worth it in the end. Who doesn’t love a declaration of love like a surprise proposal!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

How To Set Up A Budget When Engagement Ring Shopping

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You're ready to propose to your loved one, but you don't know where to start with shopping for an engagement ring. If you had all the money in the world it might be easier to choose, but how can you set up a budget for your engagement ring shopping and still get the perfect one? Here's a step-by-step method for setting up a budget for your engagement ring purchase.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

What Makes A Proposal Truly Special?

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There’s a lot of pressure on proposing, nowadays. There has always been that nervousness, that leap that you have to get right with. But people are bending over backward to make proposals bigger and more special than the last person. Any many of them are doing it to the detriment of what should be a beautiful moment, even to the point that the proposal becomes an embarrassment more than anything. So, what is it that truly makes it something you and your future wife will always look on fondly?

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

What To Do When A Conventional Engagement Ring Isn't Cutting It

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Ask any member of the public what they think an engagement ring looks like, and the above is probably what they will come up with. That’s the basic assumption for the modern engagement ring, isn’t it? The band is platinum or another silver metal; the diamond can be of a variety of cuts, but Princess is the most often seen. The diamond is usually a clear color. The above is the standard that springs to mind.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Getting Engaged? What They Forgot to Tell You about Shopping for a Gold Ring

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By Evans Connor
It is proven that men really don’t know what marriage entails but what comes as a big surprise for everyone, including them, that they also don’t understand anything at all about shopping for engagement rings. While it is natural they are excited and happy about popping the most important question in their lives, every man wishes that he had someone who could have advised him of the many little things that accompany the process of shopping the engagement ring. Some helpful tips for men who have no idea what to expect:

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

After the Proposal - Many Women Are Disappointed By Their Rings and Locations

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Nothing says ‘I love you’ more than a fairytale proposal, in the perfect setting with a glittering diamond ring but according to a new survey almost a quarter (23 per cent) of women said that their partner’s proposal did not live up to their expectations.

The survey of 1000 Brits who were engaged within the last 10 years by bespoke ethical jeweller, , found that of those who were disappointed by their partners engagement, over two thirds (70 per cent)said it was due to the setting of the proposal, whereas only 14 per cent who said they were disappointed due to the ring.

There’s more bad news for guys…

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Picking The Perfect Engagement Ring (Without Your Partner Finding Out!)

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You have to check out this infographic titled "An Idiot's Guide To Picking The Perfect Engagement Ring (Without Your Partner Finding Out!)". The infographic has tips and tricks on how to pick a ring for your partner based on personal traits and advice on what not to do to keep the proposal a surprise. Enjoy...

Saturday, September 5, 2015

How to Choose The Perfect Engagement Ring - Step-by-step Guide For Men

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By Sheryl Alfaro

After several relationships, you have finally found the perfect girl and you are ready to jump from boyfriend to fiancรฉ. You asked her father for her hand in marriage and you plan to make the perfect proposal. The first step towards your dream wedding is buying the perfect engagement ring.

There is a lot of pressure in buying an engagement ring. This will serve as a symbol of your love for your partner. It also shows your willingness to spend the rest of your life with her. Furthermore, your girlfriend will most likely show off the ring to her friends and family. Now that’s a lot of pressure!

Well, buying an engagement ring does not have to be a stressful ordeal. With the right amount of knowledge, coupled with your excitement to take your relationship to the next level, buying an engagement ring can be a pleasant experience. Here are some important things to keep in mind in selecting the perfect engagement ring.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tips for Finding the Perfect Engagement Ring

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When you are searching for Engagement rings, it can be quite difficult to make a decision. After all, with all the options it can seem virtually impossible to choose just one. The key to making the right decision is to talk with your future spouse and perhaps even let them show you what they like. However, if you want it to be a surprise, you should use the tips highlighted here.