Friday, June 14, 2013

Love's Pain - Part 2

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“Lolu” I knew he was sleeping but I was hoping I could wake him up before my favorite ice-cream place closed. “Lolu” I repeated while pushing him a little harder.

“Hmm” he says while rubbing his eyes as if to rub the sleep away. “Are you ok?”

“Ololufe mi, my love.”

“Ahh... oya what do you want?” he said just like the man I married who knew me well enough to know that I wanted something.

Kim Kardashian Counting Down To Her Due Date

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In the last few weeks to her due date, Kim Kardashian is taking it easy in this comfortable stretch dress and flat sandals as she went out to lunch with friends.

Patience Ozokwo Touring in South Africa

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Patience Ozokwo, more popularly known as Mama G, is currently touring the city of Johannesburg to launch iROKOtv's new DVD business, and she sure has her fans. I only hope this leads to better movies on their online portal. More pictures below :)

Breakfast Idea - Bacon Strips without all the Fat

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Bacon is one of those guilty pleasures one knows they shouldn't make a habit of, yet you can't stay completely away. I just love the salty, smoky, and crispy taste and texture of bacon. Even the fat makes the meat product a comfort food sometimes, but most times I want to get rid of that.

Tribute to Fatai Rolling Dollars - His Last Performance

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When creatives die, they are gone but their works and their legacy continues. Fatai was Nigeria's oldest practicing musician and a Highlife pioneer. Real names, Fatai Olayiwola Olagunju, he died after a brief hospital stay, aged 85, on June 12th 2013 at Marritol Hospital in Surulere.

Friday Candy - Craig David

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Craig David in the recent photos he released on Instagram looks all buff and all, but as much as I admire his chiselled abs, I miss that cute face he had when he was a musician. Is he still a musician?

Magazine Covers - Deola Sagoe on Genevieve

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Deola Sagoe looks so cute, you'll almost think the 25 years on the cover is her age and she is only celebrating her birthday. Kudos to her for sticking to her passion and business for so long and so well, and also for inspiring others very graciously.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

7 Ways to Always Be a Lover to Your Husband

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When you met your husband, and before he became your husband, it is very likely that you had some physical attraction to each other. Then you became lovers and everything was good. However, like so often happens, life happens, you get older, children come along, and you find that you're drifting away from each other, and you're more like friends, siblings or worse, housemates.

Marriage Avowals - Dayo D1 and Caroline Adeneye

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Dayo Adeneye a.k.a D1 is better known as the business partner of Kenny Ogungbe, and I was a big fan of their music and entertainment show, Primetime TV back in them days. Dayo is also a husband, now married to his wife, Caroline, for 12 years. In this interview with Punch, the couple talk about how they keep their love fresh, having a daughter before marriage, and how they've stayed together for so long.

Share Your Wedding Photos With Your Favorite Movie Monsters

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Are you wondering like me what is terrifying this couple and their bridal party and got them on the run? It is a giant dinosaur, you'll see the leg if you look closely, or you can check out the full image below. It seems the latest fad for wedding photographers is to photoshop movie monsters into wedding photos with the full approval and co-operation of the bride and groom, of course.