Friday, March 22, 2013

Enough is Enough Nigeria on the Controversial Presidential Pardon

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I thoroughly agree with the EnoughisEnough Nigeria vision, and will support it where I can. However, when this PR came in, I was in two minds about publishing it. EnoughisEnough Nigeria works through activism and youth mobilization to institute a culture of good governance and public accountability in Nigeria, and so a comminique rejecting the recent Presidential Pardon is perfectly in order, I too condemned it here.

The part of their write-up II do not agree with is the part calling on the international communities to bring sanctions against Nigeria, and by extension, Nigerians. I do not believe such a call reflects well on the soverignity of the country, and if these sanctions are economic, the negative impacts will be felt most by the poorest people in Nigeria. With that out of the way, this is the message.

Last week Tuesday, March 12, 2013, President Goodluck Jonathan pardoned seven Nigerians. While three of the pardons have been particularly controversial, another three have raised semantic issues as they had been granted ‘clemency’ under the regime of General Abdusalam Abubakar in 1999.

Of the seven pardons granted, the most talked about is that of ex-Governor D.S.P. Alamieyeseigha of Bayelsa state, who jumped bail in the UK in 2005 on money laundering charges but was later tried and convicted in Nigeria by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). Mr Alamieyeseigha is still wanted abroad. The second most talked about pardon, is that of Major Bello Magaji, who was convicted in 1996 of sodomizing little children. The third controversial pardon is that given to Mustapha Bulama, former Managing Director of the Bank of the North, who converted customers’ deposits into personal funds, crashing what was once Nigeria's biggest bank.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Natural Indian or Peruvian Hair Extensions Vs Synthetic?

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Before I go on, let me state categorically that I do NOT believe in possessed hair extensions, natural or synthetic. Even before natural Indian hair extensions became popular in the Nigerian market, such stories as the one below have always made the rounds in Christian and secular circles. I guess they are meant to discourage those who some pastor or spiritual types think want to look "better than God made them". It may also be a way of staking authority over women's bodies, minds and actions.

A contact on Facebook tagged me in the above ad for their hair extension business, and before long, they had to qualify it with this quote. - "Mide's Mane is not Brazilian/Indian/Peruvian. It is luxury virgin hair designed specifically under the brand name." I'm guessing they got some questions and negative comments on their initial pictures. If you haven't heard or read about how this distinction between natural and synthetic extensions might be necessary, and why synthetic may be preferable, read Rachel Edjeren's story.

I think it's good that Rachel followed her spirit, but trying to cause mass hysteria, or foisting her fears and insecurities on others is another thing altogether. I wear my hair unrelaxed but that does not rule out using extensions, and even then, I will not try to use my own justifications for cutting my hair to shoe horn or scare other women into doing the same.

What do you guys think?

When The Sex Predator is Inside Your Own Home

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A crime news report from the Punch newspaper has got me almost weeping this early morning. Sex predators abound, but it is so heart breaking when they target children, it becomes monstrous when such a predator uses the cover of his home to molest his daughters and grand daughter. In a country like Nigeria where such cases are part of what "we do not talk about," effectively shutting up the victims from reporting the crime, or getting help through counselling and therapy, it is especially heinous!

But beyond lamenting such cases as we often read about in the papers and blogs, I want to point out the role the adult woman in such a situation has to play. In this story, I was baffled by the statement from the wife of the accused pedophile. Let us forget for a moment that the extended family is also complicit in this dastardly act, do you think the wife did all she could? Her story...

“I am a caterer. In 2006 I went to Abuja for a catering job where I spent five days. But at about 1am, my first daughter, who was about 17-years-old at the time, called me on the phone crying that her father raped her that night.

“When I returned, I confronted him but he beat me up and he continued to molest our daughter and each time I confronted him, it earned me a beating. I had no choice but to leave him when I got fed up with seeing him molesting our daughter and later sleeping with me. I took my six children and we relocated.”

She said in 2011, Sylvester’s family settled their differences and urged the couple to reconcile for the sake of the children. She said her husband swore never to touch any of his daughters again and she reluctantly returned to her husband’s house.

The Long Awaited Wedding Night by TJ Benson

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144…That was the number of ceiling boards in Martin’s room. He had spent the last 2041 seconds counting the 144 asbestos ceiling boards of his elegantly furnished bedroom. While his newly wedded wife lay beside him seemingly a thousand miles away…

His friends had warned him, his elder brother and even his father had hinted something to that effect- these things didn’t always turnout right not in this era anyway. But he had made a solemn promise with Onome when they were 16 to wait until after marriage.

His father was initially proud of him. Such discipline, his father said, was what made a man a man. But after he graduated from the polytechnic and got a job, his father began to worry if his son was really a man. Weren’t they engaged to be married? Hadn’t they been faithful to each other for the past 10 years? Then what was the problem? The poking and prodding ad been relayed through his mother and eventually ended up in uncomfortable confrontations from his father. He solved the problem by moving out of their home.

Then there was the issue of peer pressure. Some of his acquaintances had been disgusted at what they believed to be his childish decision. “What would I be doing with a hot pastor’s daughter for 10years!” they cried. She had not been spared either. Her fellow female choir members had warned, “life is not a fairytale and you don’t even know whether he is impotent sef.” Sometimes, they would exchange the stories and laugh off the tension and even find more strength in themselves in the process.

How to Make Fried Rice With Peas and Sausages

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For variety, each time I make fried rice, the ingredients and the method of preparation differs. On this occasion, I used sliced sausages as the meat accompaniment, and peas for the vegetable.

3 cups of long-grain rice
2 ladles vegetable oil
1 pack of frozen peas
Defrosted Sausages - Diced
4 small fresh tomatoes, chopped
1 medium size onion, chopped
2 Teaspoon of dry pepper
4 Knorr Chicken cubes
Salt and Spices to Taste



1. Set 5 cups of water to boil, or enough to cover your rice twice.
2. When it boils, pour the rice in and allow to boil again.
3. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 mins.
4. Remove from heat and pour the rice into a colander with small sized holes.
5. Turn the rice into a container filled with cold water, and sieve again.
6. Repeat this, rubbing the rice lightly between your fingers until it feels starch-free.

The Steak and Blow Job Day - Men's Answer to Valentine's Day

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#ErectionKillers Trending all Day on Twitter [Jokes]

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So most of yesterday up till now, #erectionkillers hashtag has been trending on twitter, I almost used this picture on Sting's blog or this one on twitter for this blog, but after laughing I had to respect myself. Are Nigerian men suffering so much sex wahala that they have to bring it to Twitter? All those people talking are probably not getting any. But it's all fun and jokes I guess, like this very first one, Oga at the top has suffered. Let's laugh it off...

@iam_BuGsY: When you ask her if she's enjoying it and she says "Ask my oga at the top

@silentachiever_: When u re seriously doing it and she is busy reading a magazine

@demmyoracle: When u bout screwin and d church u share same fence wit, starts preaching "FORNICATION"...

@demmyoracle: U lift her skirt up & she has dreads sticking out her panties like a rasta

@TWEETORACLE: Stopping a dude when he’s abt to penetrate and asking him if he loves U

@realPUSSINESS: When she's givin u bj.. And u feel her teeth actually hurt ur dick.. Serious

See the whole thread below...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Strictly Soulmates - Finding The One Within Your Faith

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Strictly Soulmates is a TV series in which members of different faiths look for their perfect partner. There is a Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu version of the show. I've seen the Christian and Muslim videos and I think there's something in there for a lot of us to learn from and have a conversation about within our circles. Watch when you have the time, each is about an hour long. This is the blurb for the show

Looking for love is tough at the best of times and it can be even harder when your pool of potential partners is small. Welcome to the world of being young, single and religious. This is looking for love as it's rarely been seen on TV before - with religion in play there are a whole new set of rules and it can be seriously tough to find 'the one'. Strictly Soulmates takes a fun, entertaining and emotional look at the real life trials and tribulations of a group of singletons trying to find their perfect match from four different religions: Evangelical Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Jewish.

Dear Myne - My Boyfriend of 9years Keeps Breaking up With Me

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I was hoping some of the readers here could help me with a neutral point of view. I am a 25yr old lady and have known this guy for almost 9yrs. We met in school when I was barely 17yrs and he was 22. I know a lot of you don't believe in love at first sight but there are no other words to describe how it was.

It was all about loving each other's company and we waited for 4yrs (till I was legally of age) to take the step of becoming sexually involved. Sometimes we had nothing to eat but our love kept us full. 2yrs ago I got pregnant and because we didn't have so much financially we decided to get an abortion which almost killed me. I then asked him for some form of commitment but to my surprise he broke up with me the next day.

2months after that he came back pleading but I was still so hurt I refused to take him back. However every relationship I've gone into in the past year has failed because I couldn't find that bond with any of them. During this time he continued his begging and then finally I took him back only to discover after some time he had a girlfriend.

The Competition Between Exes About Who Gets Married First

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When Tiger Woods and Lindsey Vonn officially announced their relationship on Monday, my first thought was "Is there a competition with his ex-wife going on?" A few days before then, it had made the news that Tiger Woods' Ex-Wife, Elin Nordegren was dating billionaire Chris Cline. I wondered which of the announcements preempted the other, and what it meant vis-a-vis rebound relationships after divorce. This is not the first time I've heard similar stories, and maybe some of you have too.

BTW, it also happens with couples who were just dating and then break up, there seems to be this subtle competition about who will be the first to find a new partner, with the cherry on top being who will be the first to take that walk down the aisle. Each of the people in the broken relationship seem to want to show the other person that they have moved on, and are so over them.

For instance, Kanye West. Within a year of them breaking up, Amber Rose hooked up with another guy, got engaged, and before you could say "Musa", she was pregnant. Some people have pointed to that as the reason for the fast track of Kanye's relationship with Kim Kardashian, and especially the pregnancy even before she's divorced. To crown it all, he now styles her, and she wore a similar dress to announce her pregnancy as Amber Rose did.