Friday, December 5, 2014

Husband Scares Wife By Throwing Toddler Off Balcony in Cruel Killing My Own Kid PRANK!

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This prankster dad played the cruelest and most expensive joke on his wife by tricking her into thinking he threw his toddler son off of the balcony. Youtuber Roman Atwood set up cameras and enlisted the help of his two sons in an elaborate filmed prank for his channel where he frightens her into thinking he'd accidentally killed their toddler.

The stunt was posted on YouTube on November 30 and already has over 10 million views, see it yourself below...

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Performs With Daughter After Bitter Marriage Split

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Pastor Chris Oyakhliome looked very happy as he danced on stage with one his daughters at the Christ Embassy 2014 IPPC. The father of two daughters seem to have put his divorce saga behind him and actually was on stage to support his first daughter Sharon who is a budding gospel musician.

Sharon Oyakhilome was performing a rendition of her song, 'I'm Excellent' at the recently concluded Christ Embassy International Pastors’ and Partners’ Conference. See another picture below...

Viral Photo Of White Police Officer Hugging Small Black Boy Staged? #FreeHugs

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Viral Ferguson hug photo staged? That is the question many black people are asking days after the above touching photo of a white police officer hugging an emotional African-American boy went viral. Many are going as far as calling the image a white media propaganda to denigrate black protesters.

The photo was taken at a Portland, Oregon protest following the St Loius grand jury ruling that no criminal charges would be brought against Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri this past summer.

Dolapo Oni Announces Engagement - 'I Said Yes!'

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Dolapo Oni just announced her engagement on her Instagram page with the picture below and the caption, "guess christmas came early". Dolapo is a co-host on Moments With Mo and works with EbonyLife TV.

While we wait for more details we say congrats to her! Check out a picture of her ring, and the lucky guy with Dolapo below...

Joseph Benjamin In Interracial Romantic Comedy - MUM, DAD, MEET SAM

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Mum, Dad Meet Sam stars Nigerian actor Joseph Benjamin, along with British Nollywood actors, ADOT Comedian, Daniella Down,Theodora Ibekwe-Oyebade, Helen Gold, Anthony Ofoegbu, Edith Nwekenta, Segilola Ogidan, Marlene Abuah.

The romantic comedy is about a Nigerian guy in London who falls in love with a white woman and then brings her home to Nigeria to meet his parents. It sounds intruiging and fresh to me, quite a reverse of what we usually have here in the US where it is usually the white woman taking her black boyfriend home.

To the makers, I hope we don't have to wait too long to see it online?

Igloo Australia Trends After Azealia Banks Blasts Iggy Azalea For Black Exploitation

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Two rappers, Iggy Azaela and Azealia Banks may have confusingly similar names but that is where the similarity ends. And there seems to be no love lost either. Yesterday, Azealia Banks called out Iggy for exploiting black culture in the wake of offline and online protests following a grand jury's decision not to indict a white NYPD officer who caused the death of an unarmed black man.

Azealia took to twitter to vent her frustration and eventually turned her attention to Iggy and blasted her for trying to be black, having a black boyfriend but not standing up for black issues like the Ferguson or the Eric Garner protests. She did not name Iggy Azalea but referenced her with the phrase Igloo Australia.

Tyler Perry Reportedly Welcomes Baby Boy With Gelila Bekele - His First Child

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Several websites are reporting that Tyler Perry and girlfriend Gelila Bekele welcomed their baby boy a few days ago. Tyler Perry is reported to have announced he's expecting his first child back in September on his 45th birthday bash. Though he never confirmed, many pointed at his pregnant former girlfriend and Ethopian model Gelila as being the mother of his baby.

The rumors of the birth are based on Gelila's sister who created multiple posts on social media that stated, "I have met the love of my life; I'm on a natural high and don't plan on coming down anytime soon; that clean baby scent; just up taking care of my nephew."

50-Year-Old Vivica Fox Reportedly Dating 31-Year-Old Who Plays Her Son In New Movie

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50-year-old actress Vivica Fox is reportedly dating a young man almost 20 years her junior, Dailymail reports. And he's not just any youngie, he is well known child star who played the part of Bobby in the Nickolodeon series, Cousin Skeeter.

I remember ogling his fine face and hazel eyes back in the day, and even then I knew I was a cougar though I was also in my older teens then. I can only imagine if Vivica ever watched the show and saw him at 12 - 16 when she was already in her 30's, and whether she's been eyeing him since then. Yikes!

Time For Maheeda To Stop Posting Her Nude Pictures?

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The name Maheeda in Nigeria is synonymous with naked pictures posted on social media, either on Twitter or on Instagram, though the latter will always delete her posts or her account when the pictures get too raunchy.

But Maheeda can't be stopped by such social media policies on nudity. She just doesn't care, she simply posts more nudes, or opens a new account. When she's feeling in a good mood, she may just cover the controversial parts and tone it down to 16+ as can be seen in the picture above.

#AliveWhileBlack #CrimingWhileWhite - Hashtags Show Racist Police Double Standards

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Using the mirror hashtags, #CrimingWhileWhite and #AliveWhileBlack, both white and black Twitter users are denouncing the two recent grand jury rulings not to indict either of the two white police officers who have in recent times killed a couple of unarmed black men - Eric Garner and Michael Brown.

The mostly American users are speaking out on what they see as racial double standards in police law enforcement and the criminal justice system.