Sunday, August 19, 2012

Beyond the Frame - Charity Photo Auction and Exhibition

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Yinkuslolo is an old blogger I used to follow. She got my respect for a non-profit project she executed after she got a student grant from her American college in 2010 for a water sanitiation project in Nigeria. She has graduated now and founded Photopower Nigeria – a volunteer and charity initiative to empower youth through the use of photography. Photopower is having their main fundraising event tomorrow - an exhibition and auction of 30 photography works taken by 15 teenage orphans. I am happy to share the details for those in Abuja, it is on Monday, a public holiday, so no dulling.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Relationship Status Game - Pick A Fruit

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1.MANGO-happily married
2.ORANGE-single and searching
3:LEMON-having a sex partner,no strings attached
4.STRAWBERRY-in a relationship or marriage but in love with someone else
5.PEAR-still in love with ur ex
6.CHERRY-in a relationship for the wrong reasons,you just don't know why you still with the person
7.GRAPES-single and happy
8.PINEAPPLE-just like the person nothing serious
9.BANANA-in a relationship with the love of your life
10.CUCUMBER-in love but not sure what the outcome would be
11.GUAVA-in a love with some one who belongs to someone and u cant have him/her.

This was shared on my FB newsfeed and I wanted to play with you guys. If you prefer, the anonymous commenting is on. WHAT TYPE OF FRUIT ARE YOU?

Friday, August 17, 2012

So We Do Not Forget - Turn To Dust

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Download the complete anthology.

Turn To Dust by Raymond


It is raining.

I walk down this street, my hands in the pockets of my hoodie, hood over my head. I don’t remember how I got here, and even the name of the street eludes me, just as understanding, and peace, eludes me. In my right pocket, I softly stroke the piece of metal I’d picked on that day, not too far from the crash site.

The day the sky fell down.

The day life decided that it…that it…

“Hey Mum! Come quickly! You don’t want to be late!”

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” she answers, laughing as she runs to the car. “This boy, you want me to fall? See how you are making me run!”

Ways To Keep Love Alive by Sacha Crouch

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The quality of our relationships is a reflection of our ability to give and receive love. When we first enter a new relationship we give our love freely, choosing to focus on the positives of our new found mate. Yet over time, our love becomes conditional, depends on our mood and focuses around keeping count of what our partner does for us. How can this be a recipe for great love to last a lifetime?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Last Days of Freedom Giveaway Hop

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I know a lot of college students read this blog as well as some mothers with children going back to school soon. To give a lucky winner a head start for school supplies, I will be giving away a $10 value Amazon Gift card. To enter, fill in the rafflecopter below...

Celebrity Crushes - Who's Yours?

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I was watching a show the other day with a reception of the Olympians in my state and they were asked their celebrity crushes. Answers ranged from Jennifer Aniston to Justin Bieber. So next time we had friends over, I used that as a topic. Their responses surprised me, even Conloleeza Rice's name came up, and Ambrosia of the Victoria's Secret fame. Mine is Boris Kodjoe, who's yours?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So We do Not Forget - The Moon at Noon…

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The Moon At Noon by Oluwafunminiyi

6pm. Thunder crashes loudly in the distance.

“Temi, have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”

They sit together on a sofa in the living room. There is a respectable distance between them. Ron Kenoly is on tv doing “Let it rain”. It rains heavily.




“I think I have, you just weren’t listening…”

“Hmmm…the ears never forget Tade…”

“Oh, but they do…”

“No they don’t; the just choose what to listen to…”

What Does Trust Mean To You?

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A relationship without trust is like a phone without service, all you do is play games.
I retweeted this above sentence one day and someone asked me, "And what is the definition of trust?" I found it interesting that I had to stop and think about my answer. It is generally assumed that trust is important in any relationship and we're all quick to trot it out when listing qualities of a good relationship. But we forget that trust is very multifaceted, and means different things to different people. My final response was, "trust is believing the relationship and the person in it with you mean good for you. Always."

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

So We Do Not Forget - PS, I Love You

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On June 4th 2012, I called on the general public to contribute to an anthology in commemoration all those lost in Dana Airlines Flight 9J-992 from Abuja to Lagos on Sunday 3rd of June. Several entries were received at and for the next few days, I'll be publishing some of them here. You can click this link to download the complete anthology.

PS, I Love You by Ife Watson

You sang and whistled to yourself as you lathered your body in the bathroom that morning. As you climbed out of the bath tub, your feet slipped and your head hit the hand basin hard. You yelped in pain and went to the mirror to check your face. You saw a lump; the size of a guinea fowl’s egg on your forehead. You were not one to wallow in self-pity, so you went to the freezer to get some ice to put on it. As you entered the room, you hit your right foot against the chest of drawers. This time, you groaned in pain like a bitch dog in labour. You snapped your fingers in a swift motion around your head and threw your fingers backward into the air.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Dear Myne - I'm Torn Between Two Men

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Dear Myne, am in my mid twenties, i have just a year more to graduate from school, i work and have a bf who doesn't like 9-5 jobs. he says he prefers street money which is not constant but can come big. not long ago i met a new guy thru a cousin. the guy is serving presently in a bank. he loves me and wants to settle down with me.