Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Infertility is a Medical Diagnosis

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A lot of people still have various ignorant and unfounded ideas about infertility. Some believe it is a curse from the wicked witches in your village, or it is a sign from God for you to repent and be saved, or you need to pray more, or you must have had uncountable sexual partners; or had numerous abortions, or you need to resign from your job, etc, etc. It makes me wonder if those people have even bothered to read even the most general information on infertility?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Is it OK to Snoop through your partner’s Phone or Email?

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In the article, How to show Nigerian Love, Elnathan lists cooking as one of the entitlements due a Nigerian man. The commensurate entitlement, he says, is for the woman to snoop through her man's phone. In his words, "This is the time to dive for his phone and read all his text messages. You will find something. If you don’t, go through his call records- you are likely to find calls to or from an Amaka after he said he needed to rest last night."

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ebisan - Suru : Music Video Romance

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I just discovered Ebisan  this week in what turns out to be her third music video - the soundtrack video of the movie Tango With Me. The singing was exceptional, the video on point. I don't have much else to say except, who knows where I can watch this movie online? IrokoTV are you listening to me?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

10 Signs Your Boo is Ready to Get Married

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It is not often that I share posts from women's magazine's like Cosmo because I find that most of the advice in some of their articles is very cookie-cutter. I am usually of the opinion there's no one size fits all in relationships, and everyone has to study the one they're with to know what will work or not. But I saw this article and felt some of the listed tips were generally true.

Breaking Records - Redbull Stratos and Felix Baumgartner

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I'll be lying if I say I'm not excited about the forthcoming jump from the edge of space being sponsored by Red Bull. It is still in my bucket list to go skydiving at least once, but this is extreme! It's been all over the news here and each time I'm like, wow, just wow.

Our Road to In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

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Atala and I started TTC (trying to conceive) around October 2009. By April the following year, we notched it up and I started checking my temperature to monitor ovulation. We had then been married just over a year and moved into the new house we bought. The new place had more room, and I considered the spare room will turn to the baby's in due course. In the meantime, we called it the arctic room as we joked and cuddled under the duvet in the warm embrace of each other.

Friday, October 5, 2012

How to Reject a Nigerian Man - Search #1

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Around the close of day or so, I check my blog's statistics to see that the site did OK. Recently, I've noticed that the blog has been ranking #1 for a few keywords not related to my blog name. Most of the time, it is for a topic we have discussed on here, like Nigerian romantic names for husbands, but once in a while a new one comes along. I have decided to bring you guys some of the more interesting ones.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How Old is Too Young to Get Married?

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Often, we focus on the upper age limits of getting married but what about the lower limits? Some months ago, it was reported that 19 years old Miley Cyrus had become engaged to Liam Hemsworth, her off-and-on boyfriend of three years. Some of the chatter over the engagement was over her age. Her fiance is not that much older, he's 22. A lot of commentators felt they were just too young, and Miley being a teenager was the key to their argument.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy 20th Anniversary Barack and Michelle Obama

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Today may be the first presidential debate but it is also President Obama's and First Lady Michelle Obama's 20th wedding anniversary. In the video below, the President and First Lady describe the first moment they met, their first date and their first kiss. They also share how the little moments keep their love strong and how their family inspires them every day.

It's a Five-Day Book Blitz for Under a Prairie Moon!

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