Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Dangerous Affair by Edydemi

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“I’m sorry Al., b…but this madness has got to stop. We have–”

“What do you by ‘this madness has got to stop’?” he demanded, cutting her off in mid-sentence. They were in another hotel room in one of the obscure parts of Lagos.

“All these…” Mary Jane swept her hands in a helpless gesture. “I mean I can’t go on with this charade anymore. My wedding to Eric is just three weeks away, what if anyone gets wind of what I’ve been up to? It would be disastrous.”

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Who Keeps the Ring after a Broken Engagement?

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The last Bachelorette couple, Jef Holm and Emily Maynard have just announced their breakup after getting engaged just a couple of months ago. This got me thinking, seeing as it comes on the heels of the news a few days ago that Courtney Robertson had also broken up with Ben Flajnik. These couples got engaged on national TV with engagement rings worth tens of thousands of dollars. Now they're broken up, what happens to the ring?

Kranich's Jewelers Review

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A few days ago, I got some packages in the mail and one of them was from Kranich's Jewelers. I had been discussing with them and so was expecting the package, but it's always nice to get a gift. The hard-working people over at Kranich’s had sent me a lovely Penn State wristwatch.

First Lady Patience Jonathan Returns to Nigeria

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The Nigerian first lady, Patience Jonathan, returned to Abuja today following a mystery illness that kept her out of the country for the past two months or so. I was seeing Atala off to work when my mum came out excited by the news of the return of the First Lady. I couldn't help asking, did the President's wife look slimmer? Yes, that's cynical of me, right? My mum said Patience Jonathon looks about the same though she wore a large Boubou.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

7 Things to Work on Before You Say Yes or I do

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The other day, we were discussing the best age to get married. The consensus is that there's no set age because people are different. What is more important is that one has experienced life as an independent individual, is mature, and knows what marriage is all about. Marriage is about love and sex, but it is also about the future, working together with another person to help each other be the best you can be, both personally and as people in a community. Most couples also hope to have children and so one has to think about that too.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall Into Fantasy With Wisteria by Bisi Leyton

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Welcome to today's giveaway. I'll be featuring Wisteria, an urban fantasy by Bisi Leyton. To win an eBook copy, use the rafflecopter form below. Check out the book blurb, about the author and an excerpt below.

Dear Myne - I Want to Meet Ladies on Your Blog

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I got this email on Facebook from a guy who wants me to do some matchmaking for him. He wants a god-fearing virgin. I believe this is a honest request and that's why I'm posting it, even though it might not be for everyone.

A Failed IVF Caused by Non viable Eggs

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It is quite difficult when you have always assumed you would have children, to then find out that you need some form of treatment in order to conceive. But it shifts the ground from under you when even that treatment fails. In the cases, it is only the grace of God and the reactions of the people around you to stabilize you. I thank God for my faith, for the person He has made me to be, and for the man I chose to go through life with.

Stories of Chance Romance Book Tour

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Tell me in the comments about a story of chance romance you've had or heard and stand a chance to win Kindle copies of “Crazy for Cowboy” by Roxy Boroughs (a sweet romantic comedy) or “Witch in the Wind” (a sweet paranormal/fantasy romance) by Brenda M. Collins. Just state which one you prefer. You can also click on the banner to follow the tour and get other chances to win. Cheers!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad - Weekend Pictures

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So a few weeks ago, we decided to take my mum and ourselves on an adventure. Mount Rainier is one of the highest points in Washington state, but while it might be too high to climb, or too far of a drive, we can take a locomotive train ride around it and enjoy the view. And that we did. And no, green is not my favorite color, it just so happened :)