Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Nse Ikpe on Friendship, Finding a Man and Hobbies

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Nse Etim Ikpe is a nollywood actress and has been nominated and won some awards that prove how good she is. She features in a lot of the new nollywood movies and in a recent interview, she talked about what she thinks about friends and friendship, her adventures in finding a man, and some of her hobbies. Enjoy...

The Bino and Fino Show Fund Raising Campaign

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Is there any parent here wanting a more African or Nigerian TV content for their kids? Bino and Fino is an African educational cartoon show, currently in production, about a brother and sister who live in a modern day city in sub-Saharan Africa. A 24-minute TV feature of the show has been broadcast in the UK, South Africa, online for free, and at festivals. To help complete a 26 episode first season, the filmmakers have started a campaign to raise $50,000.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Why do women turn a blind eye to Infidelity? Search #2

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This particular topic has been discussed in several posts we've done on Infidelity but not really from this perspective. The closest I could find was on the reason Nigerian marriages are such a farce. But beyond naija and our issues, why do women generally turn a blind eye to their men cheating? The biggest name you'll hear the most often is Hilary Clinton, and she is still with her husband, Bill Clinton. Thoughts?

Dear Myne - How do I tell him I'm no more interested?

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Dear all, please I need your help? I have a boyfriend, and we have been dating for one year now, and our parent know each oda as boyfriend and girlfriend. I dont know what happened, but I am tired of the relationship. I hardly saw my boyfriend in the past few months. First, it was because of his youth service - he was posted to Lokoja - but now he is back and he still doesn't have my time. I had to beg him to talk to me in those days but now I am just tired of everything.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Houston Grey - Turn Me On : Music Meets Romance

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I liked the mellow tunes in this song, which kind of reminded me of some parts of the K'Naan SA World cup anthem. The video itself is also well made. Enjoy...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Infertility, Bravery, Building Networks of Support

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Sometimes the unfairness of my infertility bugs me and I am tempted to compare. Why is that teenager having a child after just one sexual encounter and after years of loving sex with my husband, I can't? How could that 60 years old woman who did IVF in South Africa have had twins and I had a failed IVF? Atala and I had been pretty decent human beings, so why did we have to suffer this delay and difficulty is building our family?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Go Myne, It's Your Birthday

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Today has started in a fantastic way and to think it's just the morning. I just want to say a quick thanks to everyone who sent messages through one or the other of Facebook, Twitter and email, I really appreciate it. And to share the love, I'll be giving away 2 eBook copies each of A Heart to  Mend and A Love Rekindled and one $20 gift card to some lucky commenters. Thanks again! Now let me go and enjoy proper :)

Birthday Wish Gone Berserk By Isa

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So on the 27th of September, a day to my birthday, I made a wish. I had just found out that my 'friend-with-benefit-no-strings-attached' guy was hitting on my friend. Now I couldn't protest or confront him for two reasons. 1. I shouldn't be bothered he is hitting on her because we had agreed no emotions attached. 2. She made me swear to secrecy on our friendship that it wouldn't slip. Now there's something wrong with that also. She doesn't know he's my nack-and-clean mouth guy. She just wanted to gossip. In fact, we weren't gossiping. We were talking and his name seemed to pop-up and she goes, 'Ouh do you know..."

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Waiting Booth by Brinda Berry - $100 Giveaway

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Book Blurb

A missing boy, government agents, an interdimensional portal... Mia has one goal for her senior year at Whispering Woods High-find her missing older brother. But when her science project reveals a portal into another dimension, she learns that travelers are moving in and out of her woods in the most alarming way and government agents Regulus and Arizona are policing their immigration. Mia's drawn to the mysterious, aloof Regulus, but it's no time for a crush. She needs to find out what they know about her brother, while the agents fight to save the world from viral contamination. But when Regulus reveals that he knows Mia's secrets, she begins to wonder if there's more going on than she thought...and if she was wrong to trust him...

Is Mercy Johnson Divorced? - Search #1

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So is Mercy Johnson divorced? Not to start any rumors or anything but ever since my post on the divorce controversy surrounding the actresses' marriage, a lot of the searches come to this site asking about her divorce. As far as I know, Mercy Johnson is NOT divorced from her husband. In fact, she is reported to be pregnant and due soon. Pictures below.